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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED Authority Statele fer lahz Je me, NARA Date 24991 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA San José, Costa Rica, son your bapril 26, 1945.
EURTE. 3770V deca un NO.
Subject: Manuel Mora and the Vanguardia Toura Party: Should Membership in this Party Mobbit the giving of a Visa Part OM 53 Co Win RECEIVED DIVISION OF CENTRAL SERVICES a Red De GARETU MAY 04 The Honores de portage of sikt byth thna 20 The Secretary of State, Washington.
Cu Ch Sir: have the honor to report that since my arrival here have had the greatest interest in attempting to analyze the Vanguardia Popular party to the end that might formulate an opinion as to whether this party is to day Communist organization. Since my personal knowledge of the party and its leader Manuel Mora is thus far necessarily small, have taken pains to ascertain the opinion of various Costa Ricans, several of whom, such as the Archbishop and don Julio Peña, Manager of the Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, do not mingle in Costa Rican politics.
818. 00 2645 The two principal parts of this discussion would seem to be (1. whether the constitution and platform of the Vanguard lia Popular party prove or disprove that it is a Communist party and (2. whether Manuel Mora can be considered sincere in his declarations of policy.
Mr. Trowbridge vom Baur, a conservative lawyer who is counsel for Central America for the Institute of Inter American Affairs, happened to be in San José in March and made an informal request of him to analyze the documentation of the Vanguardia Popular. enclose copy of his memorandum, which may be summed up as follows: MAY 29 1945 CS MAJ DAME The Vanguardia Popular Party does not advocate any classic communist principles whatever. On the contrary, the principles which it does advocate appear to fit strikingly with the principles of Constitution of the United States as defined by Chief Justice Stone. Those principles are diametrically opposed to the orthodox principles of communism.
petas It is true that the Vanguardia makes use of the same cell system of organization that it utilized when it was the Communist party of Costa Rica, and that it is stated in Article 13 of the new party the Vanguardia, Popular DECLASSIFIED Authority AND 760054 By Ime NARA. Dato la

    CommunismCommunist PartyManuel MoraPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

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