
T eneri ASSIFIED the latter would be active in initiating social reform in Costa Rica and that in the task it would have the support of the Juventud Vanguardista.
The next speech was made by Alberto DELGADO, Juve nile Secretary of the Political Bureau of the Vanguardia Popular Party. Señor Delgado attacked Fascist regimes and stated that the youth organization was offering President Picado its backing on the condition that Picado help Costa Rica get out of its present economic chaos.
esent economic chaos. He noted the following concrete objectives of the Juventud Vanguardista: 1) Better working conditions for the laborers, 2) The appointment of real democrats to teaching positions in the Costa Rican schools, 3) The Comedor Escolar (a system of cheap, and in some cases, free meals for students. vote of sympathy for the youth of Argentina from the youth of Costa Rica was then read. At the end of the meeting a collection was taken up to send a cable to the youth of Argentina expressing the support of the Juventud Vanguardista in the former fight against the Government of Argentina.
Manuel Mora then made the chief speech of the evening.
He began by stating that the youth of Costa Rica had asked him to define the position of the Vanguardia Popular Party in relation to the Government of President Picado, de said that the Vanguardia Popular Party was trying to bring Costa Rica out of a dark past into a future of light and prosperity. He declared that Costa Rica must be transformed so that there was bread in every home, a good roof on every house, and the right to vote. The right to vote, according to Mora, was more than the mere routine of voting; it implied economic liberty and the abolition of the system of peasants voting as their enployers instructed them. Mora then referred specifically to the electoral pa et under which the Vanguardia Popular Party had agreed to support Teodoro Picado. He said that, in return for this support, Picado had promised them a program of social and economic transformation. He added, however, that the Vanguardia Popular Party had not given up its right to criticize the Government when it thinks that the Government is not following its promises made in the pact. This, said Mora, was their line, and would continue to be their iino in the future.
Mora then referred to the economic situation of Costa Rica and once again brought out that the situation was not localized but world wide. He declared that there were sugar shortages in many parts of the world. He condemned speculati

    Manuel MoraPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

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