
Ja. 20 Alternate Members Professor Carlos MONGE Alfaro Señor José Maria ZHLEDON Brenes Doctor Marcial FALLAS POLITICAL PLATFORM: The Party has never had a political program. It has always been anti Administration and anti Communist. There is a belief that the party will have a program for the 1948 Presidential elections, and that the program will be socialistio in nature. At the present time there is no political programe sco o te 203 armalat 1000 teras As stated the Partido Social Demócrata has been a party following a personality and not a program. In the midterm elections the party elected one deputy, its leader Dr. Antonio Peña Chavarría. It is believed that the election of the Doctor Was due to his personal following rather than to the activities of the party. All indications are to the effect that the Partido Social Demócrata will be better organized and that a political platform will be presented to the public, The Doctor has presidential ambitions. See under Opposition Leaders)
The party has its own weekly organ, the ACCION DEMOCRATA.
It is estimated that the Partido Social Demócrata accounts for only percent of the numerical strength of the Opposition. It is estimated that it can poll some 2, 800 votes in a national election.
see pe иш says. 1940 PARTIDO UNION NACIONAL. HISTORY: The Partido Unión Nacional was legally formed in November, 1944, in order that it could participate in the 1946 1950. HO lection for deputies and municipal authorities. It was formed by Otilio Ulate Blanco for his own political purpose, and not for a group. It united in a Political Compact with the Partido Demócrata and the Partido Social Demócrata for the midterin elections. It is represented by one deputy in the present Congross.
OFFICERS: President Señor Otilio ULATE Blanco Secretary Dr. Marcial RODRIGUEZ Vocales Ingeniero Roberto ORTIZ Odio Señor José Francisco TREJOS Quirós Señor Fernando VALVERDE Vega Señor Mario ECHANDI Jiménez Señor Mario SOLORZANO Gutiérrez Señor José 155 6 to turn it la w, H7NRS KOMY QUISS47350 SAHOY TWNOLIVN SHI IV 037ndoddy

    CommunismOtilio Ulate BlancoPresidentes de Costa Rica

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