
EST IMATE OF STRENGTH OF POLITICAL PARTIES ELECTION PARTIDO OBRERO CORTES OPPO OTHER TOTAL REPUBLICANO COMMUNIST PARTY SITION NACIONAL VANGUARDIA SU Tob. 11. 1940 139. 210 10, 748 16, 115 156, 073 Feb. 8, 1942 63, 446 6, 198 8, 202 9, 977 2, 464 100, 286 Tob. 13, 1944 90, 403 vardo Tocade 46, 463 sidst 136, 806 Tob. 10. 1946 56, 651 141, 521 2, 337 100, 509 eyna In the 1940 Presidential election the Cortés voters were in with the Administration, and their combined forces polled a 09 139, 210 votes. The break came in 1941, so the Cortés group entered the midterm elections of 1942, when it polled 8, 201 votes no 109, 000 By 1944, the late León Cortés had built up a large following and the returns indicated that he polled 46, 403 to the Administration 90, 403. The 90, 403 represented the combined voting power of the Partido Republicano Nacional and the Vanguardia Popular. Giving Vanguardia Popular the highestimate of 20, 000 votes, the Partido Republicano Nacional would have polled 70, 403 to Cortés Party 46, 403. This election was reported to have been fraudulent, but no estimate has been made as to the number of fraudulent votes.
The midterm elections of February 10, 1946, are accepted as comparatively honest. Out of a total of 100, 509 votes, the Partido Republicano Nacional polled 56, 651 votes to the conbined Opposition vote of 41, 521. The vote of the Partido Republicano Nacional included that of Vanguardia Popular.
Political observers are of the belief that Vanguardia Popular has. lost a great deal of its yoting power. An estimate of 12, 000 votes in the 1946 election would leave the Partido Republicano Nacional with 44, 651 votes to the Opposition vote of 41, 521.
OK An average Presidential vote in Costa Rica is estimated at 135, 000. On this basis an estimate of the political parties strength is as follows: PARTIDO REPUBLICANO NACIONAL PARTIDO DEMOCRATA PARTIDO SOCIAL DEMOCRATA.
12, 000 67, 000 800 This would result in estimating that the Administration has 67, 000 votes to the combined Opposition vote of 56, 000 votes. Vanguardia Popular, if it again combines with another political party, would combine only with the Partido Republicano Nacional, as is the situation at present.
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    CommunismCommunist PartyLeón CortésPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)Presidentes de Costa RicaWorkers Party

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