
араойр GIЛIГ снуТВЕН 45 NATIONAL POLICE Colonel Sigifredo CAMPOS Pérez Chief of Policool uzio Sáenz TRAFFIC POLICE Colonel raaklio LETO arcía Colonól Donato YGLESIAS Ramirez RAUG Tai israma Chief, Traffio Department orme CARROS Muri RESGUARDO CIVIL (Internal Revenue Guards)zonistas POEL CAP Colonel Humberto GEI Bernini Commander The three for bane also have political infliese.
COMMENTS: monite General René Picado is the brother of the President.
He took over from Colonel Daniel Gallegos on May 6, 1946.
Colonel Gallegos was loyal to President Picado, but was outspoken against Vanguardia Popular, and at times against the Partido Republicano Nacional. Public Defense is now completely loyal to both the President and the Colonel Zeledón of the Buenavista Cuartel has 29 officers and 135 enlisted men. He is 100 per cent Calderonista, and believed to be pro Vanguardia. His command is loyal to the Administration.
Colonel Peralta of the Cuartel Artilleria is completely loyal to President Picado, but he is bitterly anti Vanguardia Popular. It is estimated that one hall of the personnel of the Cuartel is Picadista.
The National Police of 25 officers and 900 policemen is estimated to be three fourths Calderonista and the balance.
Vanguardista. eu porcorative Intense by The Resguardo Civil is composed of 103 officers and 467 men. Colonel Gei is a brother in law of Señor Francisco Calderón Guardia. The organization can be considered 100 per cent Calderonista.
PROVINCIAL COMMANDERS Da Donica The provincial commanders are in a key position to carry out political work for the Administration, and they all will play an important part in the 1948 Presidential elections. In the last midterm election the Opposition asked for the removal of the Commanders at Cartago and Puntarenas due to their alleged fraudulent work during the elections.
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    Partido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)

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