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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES CECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter uhe me ART Date 24 181 2San José, Dec. 5, 1946 Encl. to despatch no. 2652 when such responsibility has been derived from my convictions, have assumed it without any fear. My religious convictions made me open the doors of schools to religious instruction and to authorize religious schools to grant the degree of bachelor. They also made me give the catholic church all the support in my power to undo injustices committed against it, but at the same time respecting the Constitution which guarantees liberty of conscience. am not against capitalism as an economic social regime; on the contrary, believe that private property and initiative under a system of liberty and justice are the greatest guarantee to human happiness and dignity. During my government, laws protecting large agricultural and industrial enterprises of my country were enacted; the sugar cane industry, coffee and agriculture in general received my most decided and full backing. But with the decision in which the se were taken, took others, those of a social character, which have served for my being injured and slandered and on account of which it is pretended to deform my real ideological structure. am not, nor can be a communist, but continue believing that communism is not combatted by showing it the big stick or jail. Throughout history bloody persecutions only have served to increase proselytism for persecuted movements.
Trans: AACohen:bj

    CapitalismCommunismPrivate Property

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