
It seems as though had done nothing for the past several days but run back and forth with messaces trying to arrange the Archbishop visit to Figueres. The government gave its permission to use the PRA radionhone to Millsville to make the arrangements, and although that is much slower and more roundabout then making direct contact with his headquarters radio, Such is the distrust on both sides that all hands prefer to use me as intermediary. Both sides listen in to my conversations. So that both Figueres and the government know what has been said back and forth long before officially communicated to them. But all the kibitzers now know my voice (which one man told me is very distinct on the air) and so take what they hear me say as authentic.
After several delays and false starts Monsenor got off at ten thirty this morning with his party and a truck load of drugs for the wounded. Around eicht o clock a call came through from Millsville saying that he had arrived safely; would have to snend the night at La Sierra: would start back tomorrow afternoon; and that he wanted me to make arrangements at this end to cross the lines. Within five minutes two separate people called to ask me if had the message.
They had heard it clearly. called Mora house. He was out so left a request for him to call me when he returns. am now awaiting that call. will ask him to come here and then ask him to guarantee Monsenor safety. The reason for this is that after the government had stalled so long on his departure this morning, Mora finally said that he would take the resnonsibility and his men would form an escort to the front lines. Such is the pass this government has come to, There is no longer any resnonsible head, but Mora, chief of the communist narty, is able and willing to fuarantee the safety of the head of the Church on a mission seeking to bring the fighting to an end. 11. 35 Mora has just left me. He phoned from Carmen Lyra home and came right own. He took a cory of the message and said he would asrange everything. He acted like a man completely confident that he can do so.

    Carmen LyraCommunismMilitantes del PCCR

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