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HARRY TRUMAN LIBRARY Papers of NATHANIEL DAVIS Despatch no. 159, April 22, 1949, American Embassy, San José, Costa Rica UNCLASSIFIED Enclosure no. try the fishing which is said to be excellent and possibly see some of the big turtles although we were told it was not the right season. Crossing the Tortuguero bar was even more of a thrill than the Colorado bar, especially coming out, and waves tossed us high and amacked us hard on the sand but we made both crossings without mishap.
There were no turtles and it was raining too hard to fish so we only stayed in the mouth of the river a short fine and then procedded to Port Limón. did have the rood luck to see one turtle at sea some miles from the river mouth. He must have been six feet in diameter. He stuck his head out of the water, looked disdainfully at us, turned and went down out of sight.
The sun came out and we arrived at Port Limón about p. where we were met by Mr. Moore and others from the Fruit Company, Hr. Moore took don Porfirio and me to his house and the others to the guest house. After lunch had my second bath of the trip and then spent an hour hunting ticks. found two large ones in my hair, and hundreds on my body. It was nice to get into clear clothes again and it down to a highball with ice and a buffet supper.
he went to bed about eight o clock.
April 19.
The Fruit Company plane came for us. We left Port Limon at 7:45 and landed in San José at 8:30. went straight home and did some more de ticking. Our baggage came up by train during the afternoon and thus ended a most interesting and delightful trip without mishap.