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DECLASSIFIED REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES Authority Statele Hertha ML, NORS Cate 2498 RESTRICTED Page of Despatch no. 202 April 28, 1949, Guatemala.
The wording of this cartoon was as follows: For the freedom of a great proletarian leader. The CTG denounces before the people of Guatemala another mons irous injustice of Imperialism and its azents.
The Pinto Usaga motion was vigorously debated. small opposition group, headed by Deputy Clemente MARROQUIN Rojas, based its objections upon the impropriety of interventng in Costa Rican internal affairs. However, a compromise was finally effected when the President of Congress offered an amendment of language (the original proposal was drafted in stronger language. and the roll call showed only one dissenting vote.
Respectfully yours, For the Ambassador: Milton Wells First Secretary of Embassy Baclosure: att Translation of CTG circular.
File no. 350 MKNells mch Parchment to Department.
Copy to Guatemala Desk Officer.
Copy to Amembassy, San José RESTRICTED BB