p. 2

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DECLASSIFIED REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES Authority Stateletter Inhz 61 ML NARS Date 249811 RESTRICTED Catch No. 290 stod July 8, 1949. from American Eassy, Sant Jo Costa Sica elections. The issue is bound to come to a showdown before long, especially since the press for July 7th announces that Vanguardia is now engaged in securing the required number of signatures for registration as an independent political party under the name of NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY (Partido Democrata Nacional. It is highly probable that any attempt by VANGUARDIA (or whatever its successor may be balled. to secure formal recognition as a political party will be contested not only by the Junta, but also by many individuals and parties of varied political hue who suffered last year from the depredations of the Vanguardistas. Memories are still too fresh to warrant a policy of forget and forgive. In addition to the purely local political aspects of Vanguardia case, its recent frank admission of communist affiliation (Embassy despatches 266 and 279 of June 21 and July respectively) has opened the eyes of many who in the past perhaps had regarded Vanguardia as a purely local political phenomena.
Respectfully yours, For the Chargé Affaires, a. Alex Cohen American Vice Consul cc: American Embassy, Managua American Embassy, Tegucigalpa American Embassy. Guatemala American Embassy, San Salvador AACohen: c1 File 350 RESTRICTED