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Jueves 13 de Enero de 1927 LA TRBUNA Pagina Effective blockade of the Nicaragua coast admiral Nueva Directiva de la Sociedad Tipográfica Latimer esta blishes neutral zones Inseparables PANAMA DEFENCE TREATY WITH IS FINDING SERIOUS OBJECTIONS IS THAT REPUBLIC donde The campaign against the authors of this treaty is getting stronger every day and the inhabitants of the Province of Chiri.
qut have notified the Parliamentary Represeatatires, that is ease the treaty were approved, they would vote for adoption of the COSTARRICAN NATIONALITY. In accord with the provisions of said treaty the Panamanian Police Force has already received 300 modern rifles and the neces sary ammunition and a perfectly equipped Mounted Police Force will be established, whose training is to be uadertaken by foreign instructions. Many fly sheets de nouating the pact are drculating all over the country.
un Roberts La Mujer y la Caridad La Mujer y CARDO. Es Ud. Mujer. TOME CARDUI El Tónico de la Mujer San José 10 de Enero 1027 would surely like to get their Sr Director de LA TRIBUNA TOWN IMPROVEMENTS IN LIMON eorrespondence on the same day We do not thiak that it would be Apreciable señor EXCURSION TO PANAMA DUR ta negotiations with the Northern dirfieult for the Chief of Police to ING THE FORTHCOMING CAR. and the United with regards to tho station a police man there perma Tengo el gusto de comunicar a NEVAL transport of the refuse of the town nently at those times as it would Ud. Que en la Asamblea General to a suitabla place. This is indeed not mean any extra expense and we verificada el de los ask the powers that be to renew corrientea Medical men, Pharmacista and one of the most urgent problems this very important improvement por la Sociedad Tipográfica de News paper men, headed by Mr. to be solved and we hope that his and keep the locality open ulls Socorros Mútuos quedó integra Eduardo Zamors, will make an efforts in that respect will be aad 10 o clock respectively. Also da on la forma siguiente: excursion to that country and take crowned by speedy Puccess we would like to call the attention Directiva: in the Carneval on February 27th.
of the Postmaster to the fact, that Presidente: don Pedro Ujueta.
28th and March 1st. They will be OUR MAIL SERVICE it is of the greatest importance to 1Vice Presidente: don Jesús Ma shown around by their colleagues Some time ago we advised of the announce and publish the days and ría Segura.
in Panamá and on the Canal Zone establishment of a very opportune hours when mall is leaving for Secretario: don Emilio Alpiar.
The United Fruit Co. will give measure, namely, the keeping open either Nicaragua, Talamanca or Tesorero: don Abel Páez special terms on their steamers for of the locality of the Post Office Sixaola, where lots of the local Fiscal: don Fernando Flores.
the excursionists and it le to be Boxes until 10 o clock a week population has business or friends Vocales Propietarios: hoped that many will avall them days and ul on Sundaye. We Such announcements shoula De Primero: don Miguel Parre selves of this splendid opportunity have noted to our greatest regret, placed in an easily visible position Segundo: don Antonio Morales.
at popular prlees.
that this improvement has been so as to call immediate attention Tereero: don Luis Mauro Car dropped again to the disadvantage and save the employees of his own rajal.
Laudable efforts of two otticials of people from th Provinces, who office time to answer questions. Cuarto: don Harold Bogle.
come in late from work, and who Thle section continued on pus: Vocales suplentes: Limon, 11th. The Polier Primero: don Justo Hartley Agent Mr. Mburols and the Segundo; don Arnaldo Morales.
Saritary Inspector of the Uniteri Tercero; don José Calderón.
Fruit Co. Mr. Moises Plores, sro Cuarto; don Carlos Lule Pérez.
dedicating their offorts towards Kalsin solidge and Kellose are the lassic K s. Soy del señor Director aftmo.
the embellishment of the towa REGGERLATIN the WEAK. as per Ku Kluxy ways. servidor, ward north of the Shopa of Riding Ruft over Latic American Nations.
Migud Parem. Secreta Northern and our Governor in giving them all ro interino.
BUT, the World and his wife know the KLAN pilt the beans Streets and Sanitary arrangements When it Mil e NIGGERAW GER with Yankea Marines are becoming better very day and Turning ALL the STRONG POINTS into NUTRAL ZONE especially the latter are well nigh STATION perfeet. Actually a road in westera From the Mockingbyrd.
direction and to prolongation of the one coming from the Hospital la under way and arrangements for electric lighting service are being TELEFONO 11:28 made, for which the Northern will have to provide the current. 11 Conserve lamps will be fastalled for account robustos a of the people in that neighbourhood PRECIOS CORRIENTES which will serve to advance that sus niños.
ward another step. The only vital Deles siempre question left then will be the water CARROS NUEVOS BIEN EQUIPADOS a tomar la in supply and that should be fixed by comparable means of two Public Pipelines, as у РАЗАЈЕRos the water used there at present Ls of very bad quality.
TREMENDOUS RAINS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST PROTECTIVE POLITICS Las tandas de esta noche ALMA DE ARTISTA en el Teatro América ESTRADA, Jan. 11th. Three days of exceptionally heavy rains have caused the Matina River to flood the district again and the water is still rising. We hope the Government will take immediato action to prevent the loss of life which is immiaent if the rains continue tedioso te ideale se pille calitate rebost KEOTIVE BLOCKADE OF THE BXTIRE ATLANTIC COAST OF NICARAGUA EL NUEVO GARAGE las ocho y media, tendrá lo Kar el reestreno de la bellísima Antes de abandonar estas playas película titulada ALMA DE ARTIS el dueto Franco. Choeano, ha queri TA, estrenada el domingo recién do dar una exhibición completa. pasado con un lleno colosal, pues que llene toda la tanda, esta noche fueron varias las familias que no e las siete.
pudieron obtener localidade.
ALMA DE ARTISTA en la pelleu Al efecto, ha elaborado un sun. la más delicada y más sentimentat tuoso programa, de lo mejor de su que se ha producido hasta ahora.
repertorio, en balles de salón, carl Tiene un raro elogio de la trie.
eaturas de baile, canto, etc.
teza y del amor conyugal: loco pre clpitar de emociones en poe de gloEl público tempranero tiene una rias efimeras y dudosaa.
magaífica oportunidad para admi Se exhibirá también la Interesan te REVISTA PATHE, que fue tan rar esta notable pareja en sus ma aplaudida la noche de su estreno.
Jores trabajos; y para que nadie se prive de ello, ha resuelto poner el precio de las localidadea al alcancuando Slenta Ud. que le Comics ce de todos los bolsillos: cincuenta un Rosfriado tome el Laxativo BROMO QUININA céntimos luneta setenticinco bu para evitar la causa y para fortificar a taca o paleo cuerpo contra ataques de Grippe o lo Energa. Es un remedio eficaz xpro balla en cada enjita esta aoche será rabosante.
PARIS MEDICINE CO. Lol, GON WASHINGTON, Jan. 11th. ID order to cut the Liberals off from all sources of supplies and ambuie munition, Admiral Latimer, in et les ebarge of the Special Squato nom dron in the Carribean, has declared bome that the whole Coast will be ale NEUTRAL TERRITORY. The Capra action backed up by the men ofNew York war ta that one should put a peedy end to the fighting.
NOE ALFARO Emulsión de Scott AN bado la firma de W. GROV We understand also that the Governor of the Province has boen HECHOS HABLAN. STUDEBAKER ocupa el primer lugar y el segundo lugar entre los carros de cilindros entre todos los carros en servicio en Costa Rica.
con Dirección General de Tráfico San José, Costa Rica San José, de Enero de 1927.
MARCO TULIO JIMENEZ Secretario de la Dirección General de Tráfico, según acuerdo No. 484 de 28 de Setiembre de 1926 y actualmente en ejercicio de su cargo, CERTIFICA: Que hecho el recuento escrupuloso de los Registros de Inscripción de vehículos que tiene numerados y catalogados esta Dirección, el carro STUDEBAKER ocupa el SEGUNDO lugar de todos los inscritos hasta esta fecha. El número de carros de esta marca es de 131, y el total de todos los inscritos es de 798, en los cuales hay comprendidas 42 marcas diferentes. Extiendo la anterior a solicitud de don José María Arce, en la ciudad de San José y en la Dirección General de Tráfico a las ocho horas del día cuatro de Enero de mil novecientos veintisiete. Agrego un timbre y lo cancelo con el sello de la Dirección. Firmado) JIMENEZ, Vo. Bo (Firmado). DONATO YGLESIAS Secretario de la Dirección General de Tráfico.
Director General de Tráfico.
496 El primer lugar lo ocupa un carro liviano de cuatro cilindros de precio bajo que tiene seis años de estarse vendiendo en Costa Rica.
La Agencia Studebaker no tiene aún tres años de existir en el país.
Lo anterior prueba de manera convincente que la marca Studebaker se ha impuesto en Costa Rica, a pesar de los esfuerzos sobrehumanos de la propaganda desleal.
La propaganda desleal en contra de un producto de reconocida superioridad va en favor del mismo producto.
JOSE ARCE, SAN JOSE JULIO PEÑA, CARTAGO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.