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Se formó la liga de barberos y se hizo nombramiento de directiva ENTRE LOS MUCHOS PREMIOS QUE OBSEQUIA EL CIGARRILLO PIDA SIEMPRE EL COGNAC LIBERTY San Jose, 21 de Junio 1928 Director de la Tribuna SE ENCUENTRA UN SURTIDO VARIADO DE JUGUETES PARA NIÑOS MARTELL Tengo el gusto de comunicarle a Ud con fecita 18 de los co: Trientes se la formado la Liga de Barberos, quedando integrada la directiva en la siguiente forma Presidente don Jose Joaquin Alcazar, Vice Presidente don Narciso Villalta, secretario Mar il co Tulio Salas Subsecretario Salvador Morales, fiscal don Alc jandro Chacon, tesorero Jose Umaña, vocales Patrocinio San chez, Eliseo Nuñez, Franco. Calvo, Viquez, y Leluvino Castro, Esta directiva tomo posesion el 20 del actual y fungirá hasta el 31 de Diciembre proximo De ud, atto y Premio No. 254 420 Cajetillas Vacias Premio No. 256 400 Cajetillas Vacias II. SUPREME COURT APPROVES WIRE TAPPING IN PROHIBITION CASES ALGO INTERESANTE: LTDA ORQUESTAS SINFONICAS: Marco Tulio Salas Secretario Wire Tapping to get evidence ap BRITISH NEWSPAPER OPINION OF Jecture. The Pittsburg goalkeeper proved By S. Say eme court played the best game of his team, POLITICAL PARTIES Washington. momentous de but in the deep mud which fot Tiene Ud.
med after the many bouts in front Desvane.
Premio No. 253 Premio No. 252 cision was reached by the victed in the District Court of the criminal prosecution, it is a mis of his charge, he could not reach 560 Cajetillas 640 Cajetillas Vacias.
Supreme Court two weeks ago Western District of Washington of take to suppose that the Supreme the torrific drives into the high ientos!
when judges were in favour of a conspiracy to violate the proht Court has approved of wire tapping corners of the goal.
permitting Government agents to ¿La cabeza parece darle vueltas y ve Ud.
bition act by smuggling in liquor itself.
puntos negros? Trene Ud. ganas de enget evidence for convictions against from British Columbia.
Tapping or otherwise tampering The latest landowner in th Unicerrarse sin que le hablen ni le muestren OBTENER PARA SUS NINOS, offenders against the laws of the comida ni ninguna otra cosa?
The stand taken by the Tulip with telephone lines is an uniewrul Pted States country. Four of the judges VigoTome una dosis de REMEDIO DELEO hone Companies in the United trespass upon the property or the NARDI PARA EL HIGADO y expulse arously fought the decision to the FUME LOS CIGARRILOS LIBERTY. EL MEJOR DE LOS NACIONAsuits in these cases will be of in companies which they will con New York, Patricia the six year de su cuerpo esas materias descompuestas end until they were overpowered nautanen que lo están envenenando. Se sentirá Ud. LES MANUFACTURADOS CON TABACOS DE VIRGINIA LOS SELECre portance to our American readers. tinue to resist; and intercepting old daughter of Major Ja otro, con la mente despejada, los ojos vivos by the majority and they wrote Walter Gifford, President President of and divulging telephone conversa. mes Fitzmaurice, who of and divulging telephone conversa with y un apetito devorador.
CIONADOS DEL PAIS thir dissenting opinions to the the American Telephone and Testing is an invasion of the rights Baron Huehnefeld and Capt.
EI REMEDIO DE LEONARDI PARA records of the court. The names EL HIGADO estimula el estómago, el hilegraph Company says: It has of the telephone users which the Herman Koehld flew from Ireland gadoy los intestinos, cura el estreñimiento, LAS CAJETILLAS VACIAS DEL CIGARRILLO LIBERTY SON UNA of the judges are Brandeis, Hol always been the policy of the Bell criminal statutes ow most of the to Greenly Island in the Bre La bilis, las jaquecas y la indigestión, en mes, Butler and Stone.
ECONOMIA PARA USTED un santiamén. Es inofensivo, agradable al the is now listed among The whan brought about comptes respect and states forbid under drastio penal men gusto y no da retortijones. Téngalo siemprotect the privacy of telephone ty.
property owners in the United pre a mano.
this opinion of the highest court conversations. In pursuance of was one of transgressions against States. As a tribute to the heroism an act of Congress such as the REMEDIO DE LEONARDI REPUBLIC TOBACCO Co.
that policy the American Telepho Chief Justice refers to would ex of her father Messrs. Brady, PARA EL HIGADO the prohibition law in which reSan José.
ne and Telegraph Company ap clude evidence outained by govern Cryan and Colleran, owners and LA LLAVE DE LA SALUD presentantive Olmstead and others peared in these cases in the Sapre ment agents in this way.
developers of Massapequa Park, were accused by dry agents. There meremo Court through its general have presents her with a were several other cases of the counsel, Charles Bracelen, as a The Glasgow Rangers at Pittsburg plot of 100x100 feet in dimensions, dentical kind besides. The single friend of the court and tiled Pittsburg. June 9th. The Glas at the corners of Park Boulevard question placed before the highest brief in opposition to the position gow Rangers played their sched. and Harrison Street court was whether evidence ob of the prohibition department now uled game against the West Penn ained by listening in on (wite upheld by the five to four deAll Stars to day and romped hoNO MORE DUELLING FOR GERcapping) telephone conversations cisión.
me to a victory of to despite MAN STUDENTS could be used against offenders of We are disappointed by by the the disgraceful ground. Such foot the the disgraceful ground. Such foot Heidelberg. The Republican whether such information consti decision, but it will not make any ball has never been seen in this Government of this Reich has deuted a violation of the Fourth and difference to our policy. While the city and the visitors were never cided to do away with the century ifth Amendments of the Consti Supreme Court decided that evl extended. What they would have old custom of duelling Indudged in CANTANTES: ution. The petitioners Ware con dence obtained by Federal agents been able to do if such a thing by the students and in this city Caruso. Alda. Amato. Martinelli. Alvarez. Schipa. De Luca BoriThe stand taken by the Tele by wire tapping is admissible in had happened is a matter of con any yonung man soen with a fresh. Gigly. Chaliapin Farrar TittaRufo Besanzoni Fleta gash in this face will be taken to. Galli Curci the next Police Station, where he Jeritza. Scotti. etc. etc?
has to do some tall explaining to Exclusivos de VICTOR the Commissioner Such a fresh gash indicates that SOLISTAS INSTRUMENTALES: a duel has been fought somewhere and if the young man cannot give Casals. Cortot. Elman Chemet Bauer. Kreisler. Paderewski. Hugo allbl how he got it, he will Kreisler. Salvi. Bachaus. Haifetz etc. etc. have to go to jail. The students Exclusivos de VICTOR of course, have learned all kinds of subterfuges to keep clear of the law, but there is no denying the fact that duelling is slowly dying las de: Filadelfia. Boston. Nueva York. Chicago. San Francisco. Royal Ala natural death bert Hall Victor Coates etc. etc. Exclusivas de VICTOR british view of the elections in CANTANTES POPULARES London. Very interesting in an article published by the Sunday Times, whinch this paper Lamarque. Mejía. etc. etc. enlightens its readers about the Exclusivos de VICTOR political system of elections in the United States, since there is a worldwide difference between it and the one of Great Britain.
Paul Whitman. Internacional. Waring Pennsylvanians. Fresedo George The paper states: Olsen. De Caro. Goldkette. Carabelli Shilkret etc. etc. The Republicims and Democrats Exclusivas de VICTOR in no way resemble our parties being really nothing but two rival!
electioneering organizations striving il ASOCIACIONES MUSICALES DE SALON: for office and spolls. Neither has Victor. Cuarteto Flonzaley. Balaikas Rusa. Cuarteto Florentino. Internacioanything in the nature of a defihite creed or program, and policy.
nal de Concierto. etc. etc. El Dodge Brothers Standard de seis cilindros representa Neither has anything in the nature Exclusivas de VICTOR la combinación ideal fuerza tremenda sin exceso de peso of a definite creed or program and the stand which each elects suministra esta combinación con seguridad y economía to take on the issues of the day TODOS EN PRIMER LUGAR EN EL MUNDO MUSICAL TODOS gracias al caracter de firmeza de la construcción Dodge is often purely fortuitous und y al equilibrio irreprochable en que se funda el proyecto spolls. Neither has anything in the EXCLUSIVOS DE VICTOR del modelo de seis cilindros.
nature of a definite creed or proEs un automóvil tan lindo, espacioso y cómodo como gram, and the stand which each Además de estas notabilidades cuenta la casa VICTOR con la valiosa cooperapuede hacerlo la técnica de carrocería más avanzada y al ects to take on the issues of the ción de un sinnúmero de artistas y asociaciones artísticas que, si bien no son sus exmismo tiempo es un vehículo de seis cilindros más fino y day is often pureiy fortuitous and clusivas. son sin duda mejor apreciadas en los sin rival Discos Victor.
más rápido que el que se creía posible construir a un springs not from conviction, but precio tan bajo.
from a sense often shrewd and OIGA UD. LAS BELLISIMAS CREACIONES DE LA GRANDIOSA ORQUESTA ALEoften amazingly at Inult of what El vurtido completo de automóviles Dodge Brothers abarca MANA DE MAREK WEBER is tactically paying. Nobody serie seis Standard, Ia scia Victoria y la scis Senior can say what is the difference betSedan. 500 won a Republican and a DemoEn nuestro almacén de San José y en nuestras muchas sucursales podrá Ud. obteerat. After hoting that the UniBOLANOS ULLOA, Compañía Anónima ner cualquier disco VICTOR que desee. Si no puede Ud. acercarse a ninguno de estos ted States is normally Republican San José lugares, SUS ORDENES POR CORREO SERAN ATENDIDAS CON ESPECIAL INTERES and that in view of the prosperity of the country of the last eight CUIDADO years a change is doubtful the paper adds. However, the appearance on the Democratie side, considering PIZA HIJOS the protagonists of Governor Smith may mean a close light as in 1916, Distribuidores Generales de THE VICTOR TALKING when President Wuson beat ChaMACHINE Co. Camdem, les Hughes by a short lend of ha!
a million votes Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Moriche. Pulido (hoy día. Cueto. Magaldi. Quiroga. Briceño. Añez ORQUESTAS DE BAILE: Fuerza Tremenda Sin Exceso De Peso DODGE BROTHERS STANDARD SIX
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