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Martes 30 de Octubre de 1928 Página LA TRIBUNA ENGLISH SECTION LOS CEPILLOS Víctory Golf Lollypops exuperancis Cuell De venta en todas las cantinas, cafeterías y Olmacen, Robert COLUMPIOS ARGOLLAS TRAPECIOS ESCALAS DE CUERDA etc. Dr. Vincent Mejia Colindres is the coral Islands of the Tuomaturican Ray Keech with 208 at Day elected president of Honduras. archipielago at A. ninteen tona Beach, Florida, last April.
days out from Balboa, Panama Ca Podemos anunciar a grandes voces, Acaba de llegar un gran surtido fa TEGUCIGALPA. Dr. Vincent nai Zone.
NEWS FROM LIMON con pulmones feroces Colindres was elected president of bricado por Mr. Eduard Neuman: are Neuman the republic in the election held Sports Miss Fe Castro, principal of the y en forma que jamás nadie igualó, yesterday (Sunday. Girl School was given a feast EJERCICIO PLACER los cepillos para usos desiguales He will take possession of the NEW YORK CITY. Joe Glick, by her pupils last Sunday. The llegados por quintales presidency February st. 1929. Williamsburg rugged ligweigth, festival was very cordial.
Departamento Sport expected to sign today to battle en la última semana que pasó; The Graf Zeppelin leaves for Ger Baby Jose Gans, California negro, Another necessity LIMON TRADING Co.
that should cepillos para dar lustre al calzado, many in a ten round bout at the Madi be filled in Port Limon, is that o al diente flagelado son Square Garden soon.
of a new school, built in accor Frente a don Cecilio Nieto LAKEHURST. The dirigible que le huye con empuje a la infección, dance to modern educational metTeléfono 318. Gerente: Graf Zeppelin left Lakehurst, New The two huge Zeppelins for the hods and material comfort.
cepillos que iluminen esas chapas Jersey. Monday at 50 MIU Navy will be built at the local Board of Education, que en mangas y solapas (Eastern Standard Time) on her Akron, Ohio we are told, has in study the pro deja el polvo y el barro con fruición.
return journey to Germany.
ject to construct a new school. It AKRON, Ohio. The two huge is our duty to cooperate with the Necesario es surtirse; prenda grata, notorious american bandit. found Zeppelins for the United States Board to have the project conver total, por nada en plata, Navy will be built here, according ted into reality soon, con méritos de peso y de valer: gion in Morocco to a statement made by the pre sident of the Goodyear Zeppelin STORIES OF INVISIBLE MEN que en esta gran ciudad de los cepillos. NEW YORK CITY. Vincent Corporation. The hangar and wor los grandes y chiquillos Mc Cormick, one of the two re shops will be built at the Fulton (Continued)
el cepillo a la mano han de tener.
maining members of notorious flying field, the new municipal air Confites de naranja, limon, jugo de uvas y cerezas. gang, has been found with the port. The airships will cost the All the tales of this sort that French Foreign Legion on dutty Government about eight millions we know gravitate around that Los de mejor sabor in Morocco dollars. They will have 780 feet of Wells. This is based on the long and will have a helium gas fact that wat prevents a transpaExija la marca SOCIETE IMPERIAL: es la legítima Jewelry worth 75. 000 stolem capacity or twice that of the Ger rent body from being complefrom Dadame Rappold, former man Graf Zeppelin.
tely invisible is the fact that it Cepillos para ropa, para cabeza, para dientes, para zapatos, para unas, de la Opera star has not the same index of refracA New altitude record for airpla tion as the air; altho light rays acreditada casa inglesa Kent. Es voz general que todo cepillo muere sin NEW YORK CITY. Jewelry nes pass thorugh, they are deviated refresquerías pelo; con los que nosotros ofrecemos sucede lo contrario: se acaba el pa said to be worth seventy five and the contours of the object arel WASHINGTON. new two seen. It suffices then to find a lo antes que el pelo.
thousand dollars was stolen from Al por mayor en el Almacén Roberto Troyo Madame Rappold, former Metropo men altitude record for airplanes means not only of making objects Brochas especiales de pelo de camello, para barbería, de la misma marca.
litan Opera star is claimed by the War Depart. transparent, but of giving them She apparently was drugged by ment for Captain Clair Street, the same refractive power as the Teléfono 324 burglars while asleep.
pilot, and Captain Albert Ste air. This means, Wells hero disvens, observer and photographer, covers. He makes himself invisiFire destroys an alcohol manufac when calibration of their baro ble, but he can rot invisibilize hisi turing plant in Philadelphia, graphs showed they had ascen clothes or anything else about with loss of nearly two million ded at Dayton, on October 10th, him. His life becomes an inexdollars and the death of two to a height of 37. 054 feet.
tricable tissue of difficulties.
men The tale is quite as much philosoGovernor Smith in Philadelphia phic as scientific PHILADELPHIA. Fire star The imitators have added almos ting from an explosion which roc PHIDELPHIA. Welcomed by nothing to the scientific part of ked the entire southeast Philadel wildly excited crowds in this the invention. The fertile romanphia district, demolished the al stronghold of republicanism, Go cer. Louis bou cohol manufacturing plant of the vernor Smith Sunday made hidsieur Rien (Mr. Nothing. has La Comisión de Vias Públicas bros de dicha Comisión.
Publicker Co. with loss of nearly to the great wet sentiment of tackled the question of clothing sesionó el sábado en la tarde para En tal virtud, se acordo enviar two million dollars and caused the Philadelphia in his effort to wrest Monsieur Rien, before rendering continuar en el despacho de asun a la Compañía del Tranvia una no death of two men. Both were bur the city from its traditional alig himseit invisible, developed conto corrientes, tales, como pago y ta haciendole ver que esa clase de ned beyond recognition, with five ment. The figure over probibition siderably, by means of an approcambios de fajas de terreno, etc. cobro estaba prohibida por el Re others injured, including two fire was no sham battle, he declared. printe preparation (not any more Cañas, 29. VOCALES: Horacio Barahona.
Aparte de esto, se hizo ver alll glamento, el que lija que no se per men.
attacking the contention of Charm ar difficult than finding the formula Adolfo Chavarria.
que los conductores del Tranvia es miten vueltos dentro de los carros les Evans Hughes that even for invisibility. the if lor inye vitality of LA TRIBUNA.
Zacarias Delgado Obando, Alderaldo Meza.
taban cobrando por los billetes que se le llama la atención en ese sen Fox Film opens a ten million dol elected president he could do no the hairy coating o his skin, Zacarias Quintana.
Ramon Sequeira.
portaban los pasajeros, como lo ha tido para que se ajuste al mencio lars movietone studio thing about prohibition. While a u turning it into a veritable fleece. Para efectos electorales sirvasé Agustin Obando.
bia presenciado uno de los miem nado reglamento.
Rafael López He became a furry animal, but en publicar la siguiente directiva del crowd of thirteem thousand in the 10 Misael Obando, Abdón Ruiz.
LOS ANGELES, Cal. Fifty auditorium, many thousands more invisible one, since each hair na Partido Unión Cañera.
Juan Barahona.
Serafín Ortega.
thousands attended the opening outside around amplifyers roared turally participated in the qualiPedro Torres Fidel López of Fox Film ten millions dollars their enthusiasm. The Governor ties of the whole organism and Pedro Torres Matarrita.
Presidentes Honorarios: thus was perfectly transparent.
movietone studio at Weswood, Ca pledged himself in the event of Fabian Ruiz Salazar.
us Agustin Delgado Obando. Lauro Duarte.
his election to carry the But the trouble was that when it issue Pablo Carmoni.
Carlos Mojica Bolívar.
rained, our man carried about a Juan Calvo straight to the American people.
Sergio Alvarado Matarrita. Aquiles López. wet dog ocor that betrayed his Newfoundland women vote Pedro López Carrillo.
for Julio Martinez Sagot.
Santos Mendoza Rafael López Carrillo.
the fist time The Army defeats Yale by 18 to presence. Also, when he walked in the rain, his outline was Rafael Acosta Castro.
José Maria Mendoza.
Nicilo Obando.
ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland. Rafael Gutiérrez Urtecho.
vaguely marked by the reboundPedro Alvarez NEW YORK CITY. The Army Abraham Rodriguez.
Manuel Marin Tenorio.
of ing droplets.
Newfoundland women José Gutiérrez voted for scored its third major victory of principios de noviembre, don También se impondrán personal the first time in the history yes the season when it defeated the Merardo Aguilar Cerdas.
Félix Hernen.
Colores del Partido: el azul y Ramon Rodriguez, Jefe Adminis mente de las necesidades de esas terday (Sunday. Yale fooball team by 18 to in (To be continued)
Claudio Saiazar.
Isaac Sirias Calvo.
trativo de Educación Pública, par escuelas como de todo lo relacio the Yale bowl Sunday Rodolfo Briceño Suazo.
Enrique Lara.
tirá para o Guanacaste, en compa nado con el ramo de educación pri The Eleanor Bolling CommanEnecón Calvo López.
The game was witnessed by a na del señor Subsecretario de Emaria en aquella Provincia.
der Byrd falgship. passes the crowd of seventy eight thousand.
Roberto Solis Ballestero.
ducacion, afin de proceder a los Tuomatu archiplelago Caballeros y Señoras ame exámenes que han de verificarse Visitarán además otros pueblos Captain Malcolm Campbell left ricanas solicitan correspon Vicepresidentes: en las Escuelas complementarius principales del Guanacaste regre NEW YORK CITY. The London for a secret spot in the sales en inglés por medio de las ciudades de Santa Cruz y sando a la capital a mediados del leanor Juan Gamboa Rodriguez.
Bolling, flagship of the Sahara Desert Liberia mismo mes de noviembre. Byrd Antartic Expedition, passed de la International Bureau. Obando Marcial Dijeres.
LONDON. Captain Malcolm Savador Briceño Suazo.
Dirigirse a Parrish Jr. Juan José López Espinosa.
Campbell, British racing motorist, Manuel Marin Garcia.
left London Saturday in airplane 703 47th. St. Station for a secret spot in the centre of Roberto Rodriguez Alvarado.
the Shara desert, where he intends Suite Chicago, III.
Antonio Pio Torres, to attain a speed over two hun Cristino Espinosa.
Oreamuno 27 de Octubre de 1928. Presidentes. don Jaime Zele dred miles per hour, for which Manuel Montiel.
Señor Director de dón, don Selin Solano it is absolutely vital to have a LA TRIBUNA. Vice Presidente don Gerardo Pa hard and perfectly flat surfnen. Presidentes efectivos: Mucho estimaria a usted, se sir checo Ch.
It would be impossible to attempt LA VALENCIANA, Gran baratt viera publicarme en su rotativo Secretario. don Agustin Rivo such a speed in Daytona or any Ismael Alvarado Matarrita. la directiva del Partido Unión Na ra.
other beach, on account of the su, gêneros de todas chaises, para Rafael Briceño Montoya. cional Oreamunense que a conti Tesorero. don Pablo Rojas sandripples caused by the wind.
nuación le expreso, y cuya cuenta Vocales. don Enrique Gómez, Captain Campbell believes condi guas, sombrillas, capas finas para Secretarios: se gervirá enviarme una vez publiy Benjamin Solano tions in the centre of the Sahara cada la Directiva.
Reiterándole mis respetos, me señora y para hombre, Camiseria to be ideal, and expects to make Dolores Rodriguez Cascante. Para los efectos de Ley Electo es grato suscribirme de usted, Su 220 to 230 miles per hour. Sombrererla. Calixto Madrigal Prosecretario: Hernán Bastos ral, se publica la siguiente Direct Atto. Servidor Campbell record of 207 miles Gómez: Tesorero, Pedro Achio lva del Partido Unión Nacional or per hour was beaten by the Ame Sánchez.
reamunense, Francisco Quirós.
Exquisito hasta la última gota.
SERVICIO DOMICILIO Los Grandes Aserraderos de EL LABERINTO Teléfono No. 773 En la semana pasada estuvo aqui un notable químico Directiva del Partido Unión norteamericano que ha logrado extraer del maíz Progresista de San Isidro de Heredia el azúcar sintético Directiva del Patido Unión Pro gresista de San Isidro de Heredia Vino enviado por varias casas norteamericanas ia caul se publica para ius efec interesadas en este negocio Presidentes honorarios: Fresbo tos de ley, asi: Contando con las más modernas sierras de cinta con capacidad para aserrar 32. 000 pies diarios, ofrezco Aserrar Nadera a Particulares EN LAS MEJORES MAS ECONOMICAS CONDICIONES Precio por aserrar: Cts. por pulgada a más de 50 colones de ahorro por carro porque no hay que pagar la descargada.
Conviene a sus intereses fijarse en estas excepcionales condiciones.
Teléfono 937 MARIANO STRUCK Ricardo Acuña Miranda.
don Vidal Vega Fonseca.
Presidentes efectivos: MelchorVillalbos Chaves.
Procedente de Nueva Orleans y, itsmo, el cual da admirable ren Elias Vindas Araya en vinje para Nicaragun y Hon dimiento, para la fabricación del Tesorero: Belarmino Fonseca duras, estuvo dos dias en esta ca azucar sintético. El llevó mues. Arce pita viernes y sábado pasados tras de ese producto costarricen Secretario: don Enrique Molina se, para examinarlo quimicamen González Mr. Jhon Sine. Meil notable quite. Para conservas, ese azúcar re mico, miembro del Bureau de Stan sulta de especial calidad y en Vocales: dard de los Estados Unidos, una actividades industriales y co reputada institución que lleva gomerciales están interesadas las Don Eley Hernández Hernández tado un dineral en industrializar poderosas Casas californianas de BILI Felipe Campos Chavarria el azúcar sintético, el que se ha ob Armour, Libby, Neil y Sumbean, Albino Chacón un. ap.
tenido del mata con admirable ins que han aportado un fuerte Vicente Barquero Miranda ito comercial. Obedeció els visita capital par les investigaciones Espiritu Campos Chavarria del ar. Mae. Meil a informes ha que con tan admirables resultados Rubén Rodriguez Chacón Ingüentos que ha obtenido el Bu colmnn los trabajo de los cientin Antonio Chaves Sánchez re erca de la excelente calico investores que intervin Las Chaves Sánchez dad del mais en estos paises del nen en de actividades Nicolas Sánchez Cordero Este documento es propiedad de la Bibliotecarlo d eria de Cul a stelee
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