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Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Good Old Almacén your post LUIS OLLE, TOLL OF TORNADO SPEY ROYAL Exclusive Distibutor YEARS OL Scotch Whisky Rich. Mellow. Smooth!
Diagonally Opposite Carmen Church San Jose 20 percent se by to embering that Pride Cometh before a fall and te spirit before destruction. we come to the our honorable task of editing this English Section with modesty: convinced that our Success depends upon your satisfaction and co opera. ott tion.
We write for you please So the Jos. What can write for us. Contributions to our columns will be gratesaker Lowoder beber Do to be beste fully received On this day of great religious significance, let us unite in the prayer that Costa friend of you da. od bent. LOS Rica. land of sunshine and. Detare Tm siddle of flowers, may continue to be be as nich be the home of Liberty and You h dead. ADDTha teresting lady bed she has had training othes addi Toleration, moving ever for born in Santiago, Ch ent, want Sarah WHEELEE e ber Red Cross and is equipped to eat moment. on which and ward in equipped the ranks of all other was Minister of the 30 to toe hypodermic injections as ase and cats are served an nations who work together for world peace PEDE Court. Am best of her care te th e Viva Costa Rica!
come Tour Presidents of the here in San Jose the Presented Republic of Chile. You have only of the International Antituber o look at the best Thiste to be the vers list of teline which has the better of the Garden Clube les Oration and meet and not to be adshelt to know that Senors de De Negras rony She bat in also di te Da mot capable and experienced there is no happy me member of he society for the housewife, and from the number Protection of Animals and of the of can be more that her Committee of the Symphony Or house one. need chest Atlanta Constitution.
Bendes all this and mans not only spacious, but bet ty other activities the Is President furnished with valuable and rare and the soul of the Ropero CEUTO, MISSIPPL Dec, UR Lovely old painting and de Ancianos dias Verona thon TEDY Tunds to tra Face work ed ornaments of ter Diplomatic Banchi ha is tor bep Tebald 12 blocks of store precious Good intricate Iron scroll becs re elected as President du ttered Vicksburg resumed homes and reboss votently work, old tiver and a today the shty Job of leveled ring the last four years Saturday night ments and tric brac. delight the her the city is for more Katherine Howard, ceputy admises and bring to mind memories and activities of Setora de De NeIf you think that the Interest the death Tunnel which to of Chi Defense of the many places where Setor are all deather homeBONES HONLAMINATOS Ses 25 persons Duwne bere to Tour the and de De Neer and her husbend PAPERS che the nature of you are quite wrong. She has a a showb ric contusion of Wash hate lived. bracelet on her wrist beloved con la the Diplomatie het hvert nicht Ington street. Only hours o many old manchonen Servies Chitto in touch. the street busted with Christmas dicating e neral the 20. 000 rendent who pt the street buted on Christmas dicating the different countristhy ondence. In berpisthine up he 70 75 per hopper Today, Chris docubete ber husband Ah Ambulance she has the third ote the has thirty that Abraham Lincoins born boost of the 330 Crations danged from amp PORT Cor Don Manuel De Ner es and part er los ca which he bude be Crowded into e forms One Ith of has repeated his country. Melor does and unities beyond his hand our man hospit a the city was without electricity XICO. He is center diplomat who counting of beautiful African Vio Robert Louis Stevenson zot man by blankets and electric All the city without natural has been 35 years in the Mexican lete, which she cares for herself. ted and went on his bonessters from the city has the only best and cook Porelen Service in the United Do hear you dung: How can moon. It was then be wroteinGo Deense and military leading fuel for most bome The States, Grect Britain, Italy. Hun one woma do 10 much? The yels with Donker estimated the damage 36 25mperature dropped to any. Denmark, Salvador, Hondu arter y careful oran. Ascout Is tend to all and dollar. President enhenbelt in the city was tears, Nicaragu. Ururua, Argenti tioni real hard work and being on brother to every other soul last night declared the his the freezing point in the suburbs. ta. Cechoslovakia, Mexico and Lite always at all her numerous What is the chief cause of dine old city disaster res.
bere in Costa Rica, where the appointments. Punctuality is one Force?
Negris have been stationed about of her hobbles in which her hus. Marriage Tive years.
band cooperates most cordially. The mother of Achilles dipped To say that Marula Montt de and in this was they astoni. hion in the River Stix until be De Nett is an unumal woman is me people and please many in the wis intolerable.
masterece of understatement. wide circle of official diplomate Every morning my father takes Her persality makes all felt in and social life of San Jose in exercises to strech his aboginewhaterer mvironment be finds which they have an bonated place, ble muscles.
Queen Victoria was the only que en who sat on a thorn for 63 yeFloods from the Staatssppl mas The set meeting of the International Business Men Lunch be presented by putting big die will be held at Patio Tycoon Wednesday, December ninth is the river.
11. 30 A, This is the last meeting of this year Julian WestThe climate of Sahara such will be both chairman and speaker. His subject will be the vithat the inhabitants have to live ct of Queen Mirabeth II and the Duke of Edinborough to Paris MESSAGE FROM UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN alverhere The Dext meeting of the Lunch Club will be some time in JaThe four Seasons are salt, pepB. The date will be announced later, Tourists who messir of anotace or who transcend the per, mustard and viner.
common bounds of decency in human conduc can do more in the When a man has more than one course of an hour to break down elements of friendly approach bet wide be is a plaminat ween peoples than the Government can do in the course of year Thice wives or more policy trytrit to stimulate friendly relations. As we act so we are Judged. To sve is bigamy words to the contrary notwithstanding, and ferrently to be hoved One wie is monotony.
that our travelers ave Crowns appreciation of this Tact deport them in a manner befitting their station and HOLLYWOOD ROUND UT training.
Hollyood agents describing SPOTS OF INTEREST IN THE CAPITAL porducer: No middle ground wh ere he concerned you eithes Ti malfont National Theatre, replica of the Paris Opera hate him or depuse him. By: John Hightower Fone Cincinnati Enquirer The National Museum. noted for its collection of local archae TOCKER TOWN, Bermuda. Dec, UP. US President El logical specimens of artistic beauty and of the highest ethnological Asked about her meeting with hower Illes direct to New York Tomorrow to o a dramatic interest. Ac masion to the museum is free. Open weekdays: to 11 an establisbed Hollywood bore Weat challenge to Russis to join in working out plan of disa and 10 pm Saturday: to 11 Cloned on Sundays. Shirley Booth replied: Tiled him et and some control for world Dried by the hydrocen entral Park with best t ed bandstand, where in the OUL OF be threat with the backing of Britain Prime Minister Churchill the made of the Mitary Band is heard three times a week and the Punch leaders here for th Big Three conference. Eisenh IL there that we find the Cathedral, the principal place of Curta major address to the United Nations General mbly to worship of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Rome. lovely building On Hollywood Visitor Terted to est a fresh approach to the knotty internation of classic architecture emated to director Henry Kosproblem which has been caught in the be of a Soviet Westwe of Soviet West. Across from the Cathedral we find the unite and charming ElterYou seem to be working e deadlock for seven years The announced subject for the speech Senteo place for your enjoyment and entertainment where as you will hard with that sitt.
to be found at pm (EST) perts that confront the world in at you can appreciate its old world atmosphere. Tu spacious room are reptied koster Alan Aze. The sudden announcement last night that Eisenh se tied with artistic treasures Amazing two pictures with her Toode the UN ca ton dominantne the co e of restaurants and nicht dube. Cher Marcel and Patialthe me het stand hands of his meeting here with Church and French Premier Tico bend the ph Land. The developent overshadowed the shift of the tales The newly decorated and modernised Grand Hotel of Costa Rica say to ar autem roblems dadine Prince war in Indochina near the National Theatre, has received durtinted guests fro Andre Hecht Hollywood one for More Peste conference and Continue over the world.
Merry. Go. Round Grosse US. efforts to press the French for early approval of the te The Hotel de Europe. In the process of redecoration will soon be Dunlap. Three taas were due to close ready to share of of West Germany. The a with a comunique mine up their work. senhower Brides the two, the are other matter hotels and persons esday, Tyne direct to New York Idlewild airport. The 20 of celebt reputation be us received kind and personal at nel sul contined to bed with an infection, also e nt on The to shop in San Jones per des Tartet e day he is able. Churchill the Conference host will take on London Late Wednesday enhower and Churchill chandise your needs and there are e tter Opted to see you y Of Eate John Yote Dutes British Porn in MD at Anthony den and French Forein Minister Grote Blo When you are tired shopping or theint for the peace para as Jos e note to and beauty of the many lore ond. the one yesterday completed the drafice of By George Mc Arthur tedly screeing to Big Four Poren niet bosbe meeting man varit of towery tres PANSUNJOY. Dec pontbly in early January. The draft of the Notes The chute Abed deato Bonn, where West German Chancellor Konrad Aden pectedly skipped today episons with the Redon Xoan Pesce conferisce a slende South Korea President NEW PRESIDENT OF INTER AMERICAN Sea Rea Seoul Pouch ta on the cracing BUDGET WOMEN ASS A USA Asthu Deated with Rhe side KenLOS ANGELES. Det. fut the body with Your wat in for him at Pan NUTON Dee e e Jeete occorre Customment he trend font. Young artet ode Tadon vetta ber un sen the doubled to the. dar CES Comic s were b eot Porn Trended About the DC Shoe id farewell today posts Mexican Ster to e ce a h but her. Sec Ne Mars rosden. The new Port cel Cuscio de Predato! the Mer onder The Cente: Doo OSC COI are the er. Macorded Satudatoer the oration comme Coon of women Conteher Me Cone Cuorothea Chases of Paris noeption is the bepcion de base of an. And a tt as at the Pan Am INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMENTS LUNCHEON mia tumer FOR TOURISTS UNDERWOOD BERMUDA NEWS ed about Horace him The leading typewriter preferred for its mooth performance and sturdy construction ne sono UNDERWOOD Osausio oved today.
Opposite Carmen Church and. stop coughing!
TABONUCO Our city few se TABOSTO te behe nad
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