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26KA OCELO SIZECOLES 18 DE ENERO DE 1998. DIAZDO DE cosa si Bad Weather in US. SPORTS Dui disa BES TATTO TE IIF IT IS IT TE GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS GRAN HOTEL OF COSTA RICA NE Avalanche in Austria Confusion re Taft Hartley bill been so be BASEDAT GLOE SECTION Zees sfoc se tried to So se. Zocas.
De Staby SORTIES. 32 5 BS Dec. 12. tse DET a 3307 The po 292399 Saad Les EE Peet h e y todas. the Pocks See thou aan licent in his besif a st to the ser YRE OUTE BERE the less nese he shall stand before ting. This old see tees the sering is as true today as the day it was e quoted it in speM a fost C ath Care e FS TEST 28 make beats ties to journalist od international rep er ble The had to shatte tatoos2 man whose devotion to his work George BEST ET. Ser York By SAP WHEELEE and aligence was recognized by the hea on DC. Bent could TECO 195 st De best at 12. EST responsabilities which his government put o OD Botal Commodore. his shouiders. He was the dean of your as cripplad 155. The case bebed by contri conte nts de red nalists in Europe and one of the high spots tres tries 26 2 Toe zet Freebet esot ie to sagt ombers. The ed his creer was the friendship shown him to pued the sceidet se preside a Escock by the late king of Greece, who put him in Em Selbold, Industriali charge of his Public Relations department e of the Pashmond Teams, attend the meeting tomorrow. Rewhen he visited ESL Sorris, a most interesting man.
presenting the Cabas squad is orthy of a feature article to himself. Not only to illusbe Roberto Maduro, one of the rate the saying which we quote above so true in his case, VIENNA. Jan. 127 More houses in the town is the rest team and the Lavans ball park Another man, of apparently boundless energy is Ro than 100 persons are dead or mis Walacra Valles at the Swiss Shich sa 20. 000. wouldn be sing is major stanche disas frontier, et core by more surprised to see these two teams ert Hall the United States Ambassador to Costa Rica. ter is the Varribere region of series of soubidas yesterday. The turns out to be tops in the league, fellow citizens are proud of him and view his conduct Austria police at Brecent repor avalanches blocked the sail Latasad Shahen.
keen appreciation. His Excellencs has already made ted todas. The toll was announ bach Te many of the misThis handsome ballding facing a little pork seired with such courtestes and friendliness that delssted by the statue of Jan Store Fernan thes feel at home from the first moment that the utrips in different directions in order to learn the std as other vast snopaides thzon ing sere feared drowned to the CEE Thott Central Durope mountain dammed 09 waters. The other 50 as opebied October 30, 2950 by Doctor Luis Burces of this country. He attends meetings frequently 20s the threshold. The basic structure is solidly and claimed at least 23 dead and persons listed as dead or mig. BASEBALL Paulo Jimenez Ort. This Vie minded doctor it and durable, telutaph of the bulldest fers with important people, indeed he moves about so sing The avalatches fossere from scattered villages ODE of the first cities of JOSE, was a man NEW YORK Jan, 12 Pof vision as well as of busiess acumen. Sr. Jims den hest remarkable ben of his time, med throughout by the spirit of hospitality and goings. 11 his name is omitted in the list of personali. munication and isolated hun The reports indicated that the Bruce Edwards expected to be TIC, Oe of the most remarkable men of his time consideration States and many other co5 attending any function, it is not intentional. We hope sreds of villages, Officials said a sudden avalanches was add up to one of the leading candidates for had a career worthy of our considered attention. might be days before the futi toll the nation worts snow disaster. the Chicago Cubs third base post we plan to devote an entire article to him before tries of the Western Hemisphere, there are many that he will consider his health and not allow himself to ead and not ow co Police that more only three years 10 more than Dext spring Edwards, former est too long. Today we are concerned with his crea tinize here with the Old World scross the sens. In be overburdened by the many invitations which enthu. than 50 of the victims of the Vo 124 people were buried alive in a cher for the Cubs and Brooklyn Lion, the Grand Hotel, which is the fulfillment of Fun José we have more than a trace of the Spe siastic admirces offer him daily. His strength is needed for rarlberg disaster were missing in similar catastropoe.
Dades de tine comeback his dream. He believed in 15 so much that he in ish and French culture. Beautiful furnishines at third base with Des Moines of vested his entire fortune in it. It took Imagination from Europe and sometimes, as in this lllustration, the great work to which he is devoted the cementing of the the vilare of Bions. Twenty three the Western Teague last season 25 well as isdom to undertake such project. To personality who has traveled far to give a bonds of friendship between Costa Rica and the United batting 321 and piloting the car those who know the family well it is a great satis avantage which his countrymen enjoy. And that Staes.
10 a fourth place linish.
faction to see the tradition of the house carried is why we show you a pletare of the Jovial French on 50 ably by the two sons of the founder. Sres. cher of this admirably run hotel. In spite of diims Manuel Jiménez and Ing. Pederíco Jiménet to the contrary, set forth by many different coutWASHINGTON, Jan. 12, 12 Democrats said the Eisenhower The Grand Hotel is more than nos hospitable tries, we maintain that French cookery bolds first Republican plans to speed con Labor proposal contained some place in which to receive and shelter its muests place in our affections and we consider that any sideration of President Elsenh good and some bad. Sen. Le The New York Yankees, who it is also to no small degree, social and cultural hotel 13 most fortunate if they employ French ower proposals for revising the man. committee member, salc ralled out their 1954 contracta center. Notable meetings involving many people chef.
Tat Hartley in bor law today the controversial law Deeds for only three days ago, already are are often held there as well as private conferences They say man is known by the compara he WAGES OF SIN: After a minister in Waterbury, Conn. com Grew Democratic cries of protest more revision than suggested by having salary troubles. Whitey of the greatest importance. We are not here to keeps. An hotel can be judged by its clientele. You plained that man with heavy beard had stolen his spectacles, The Republican majority of the the President. major point in Ford, an 18 tame winner for the Tell you of the physical comfort of this well equip have but to spend an hour in the lobby of this polfe looked high and low, inntily picked up a suspect who answered Senate Labor Committee, headed the Eisenhower program was a world champions last year, balkea red establishment that you can test for yourself magnificent hotel, and watch the coming and the description except for the beard, not a confession and an expla by Chairman Alexander Smits recommendation that congress res: the real small raise De was any day in the week. The important feature which soing of distinguished people, to realize the place ration: shaved off the beard after put on the glasses and saw of New Jersey, moved to dispense quire a government sponsored offered yesterday and plans to we want to stress is the spirit of helpful kindness that the Grand Hotel fuis in its community. It how really awu looked.
with hearings and to bring the election among workers to deter puruse bis squawk with Roy Ha which pervades the place. From the youngest bell well say Through our portale pass the ninet Eisenhower program to an early mine whether they approve of a mey, assistant to general manager hay to the top management, the visitors are re people in the world, our clfents.
EXCUSE IT. PLEASE: prisoner who escaped from the Pike vole in the committee. Smith, who strike. The President proposal George Wetes.
County Jail In Piceville, Ky. left behind a note: To whom it may Introduced legislation to carry out was couched In general terms and GOLF concem: hate to cause any excitement, but am leaving town. the 14 point program right after did not specify when such a se it, reached Capitol Hill yesterday. cret ballot should be taken. HoweDISPPIRITED: discouraged husband in Cleveland, Ohio, won sald lengthy hearings last year ver. when Smith Introduced imLOS ANGELES, Jan, 12P)
hls divorce after chargine that it was bad enough when his second fully covered the issues involved plementing legislation, he proposed Latest Cuban Winter League. Fred Wampler today won the wo made him to to seances with her. but he just couldn take it But committee Democrats, led by that sich vote be taken under verses list Brooklyn Sandy LONDON. Jan. 12P) FO ved notice that progress in the 20, 000 Los Angeles open golf when she announced that he must do exactly as she told him bec Senator Burray of Montana, chat National Labor Relations Board Amoros as the leading batter with tournament, shooting 75 for a 72. reign Secretary Anthony Eden de talks would depend on Rush ced Republican strategy amoun VNLRB supervision after a strike OBULSS she was getting her instructions from his dead first wife.
329 mark. The fleet outfielder hole total of 281, He earned 000 clared last night that Britalu changing her fixed policies, The led to dictatorial and steamroller kad begun.
also topped the International Lea with his first victory since turning can never abandon the Allied Soviets have held out for formaOOPS: In Massena, gue hitters last year at 353.
Dosition that free all German election of professional in 1950. Tied in the Fire Chief got a summons for tactics. Murray and other Senate provisional government paricing his car in front of a fire plus.
cond place at 282 were Chic Hartons must precede reunification is the first step toward reunding bert and Jerry Barber. tied to the divided, occupied country Germany. They insist piso that LABORS OF LOVE: In New London, Coon, police finally caught 283, were Peter Thomson Austra His statement, on a national ra East Germany should have the an open champion. Fred Hawo broadcast two weeks before the same representation in such ste with a man who had been bamaging a young woman with a series of love letters, including one that ran to 465 peces, got an explanaJim Bolger, who will report to Ins, Ed Oliver, Bud Holscher and Big Four foreign ministers are gime as more populous West Ger scheduled to meet in Berlin, ser nany.
tion: There Dere was ans serious purpose in my mind. thought ROME, Jan. 12 Former political leaders of all parties, FL the Cincinnati Redlegs at Tampa, Bruce Cudd.
mabesed as Hello Premier Giuseppe Pella today naudi called Pella to the presiden Pla, next month, is a better derefused a request from President tal palace today and asked him fensive outfielder than Terry MooFrom the American Magazine. Luigi Einaudi that he try to to again head the cabinet. Less re, in the opinion of Ernie White BASEBALL form a new Italian government. than 20 minutes after Pelle de ex St. Louis Cardinals pitcher, Pella resigned the premiership a clined. Einaudi summoned Amin Bolcer manager at Columbia of By Charles Chamberlain.
week ago after a split with leatore Fanfani, another Christian the Sally League in 53.
CHICAGO, Jan. 12. Maders of his middle of the rond Democrat and an expert on Itanager Paul Richards of the Chi NEW YORK, Jan. 12. UP. In 1952 and 1953, the newspaper Christian Democratic Party. Ita current land redistribution cago White Sox adroitly sidestep. The New York Herald Tribune to says. The front page article autri.
ly largest, who thought his po program. Fanfani apparently was ped pennant talk today but admiLicles were too far to the right. Ar next in line for the premiership.
day said that the se in the who buted the rise to a costly frost in ited his Third Place Club of 1953 lesale price of Brazilian coffee to Brazil last Summer, adding that ter the week of consultation with Bobby Feller is almost cinch should be More flexible this sea WASHINGTON, Jan, 13. P) in the closely divided Congress to an all time high of 74 cents a most top brands of coffee already to go over the 2, 500 mark in Ame son. We are a sounder Saint congressional Democrats retain the rigid, high level prica rican League strikeouts in the first at any time since ve been here.
of popular blends may soon RO as in grocery stores and other brands theatened today with some Re props Eisenhower proposed to month on two of the 1954 cam lhe said upon arrival in Chicago high 1. 10 pound. The are expected to reach that point publican help to rewrite Prest abandon in favor of a flexible paign. The erstwhile Cleveland for a master minding session with or a master minding session wit crease in green coffee future has. and pass it when the latest en Eisenhower program of fie scale of supports. Critics counter fireballer has fanned 2, 479 batters his staff. There so mucha generuen 5 cents in the last week wholesalers increases are pa blo Iarm price support. The pro that it thus reduces financial help SEOUL. Jan. 12 The discussing conditions for resuming during his 15 year career.
Hal improvement in the League and is more than 20 cents higher on to the consumer.
paam, which went to Congress to farmers at the time they need United Nations command today conversations as well as the date that don think any club with than the highest prices reached. day with 14 proposed Taft it most when prices are low. Un agreed to meet with Communist for their resumption. The Comwin 18 in row like the Yankees Hartley labor relations act amend der Eisenhower proposal, price lason officers Thursday to dis munists proposed late Monday did last season. Boston can be ment, backed staunchly by supports for major crop other cuss resumption of negotiations to that liaison Oficers meet at Pane Mickey McDermott, traded from much tougher now that Red WSepublican leaders. There was than tobacco would vary between arrange a Korean peace confe munjom Wednesday to discuss re the Boston Red Sox to Washing Wiams is back and Jackie Jensen Bone Republiean opposition, how 75 and 90 per cent of parity. The rence. US State Department re sumption of preliminary political ton last month, isn nearly the was obtained from Washington und maybe for the first time to we are due to get the best they eter, and some suggestions for Secretary of Agriculture could presentative Kennet Young sti talks to set an overall Korean per wild man he purported to be. In Washington is sradually building quite a while will have company have whenever we chow up, and mgr sent the Red six Big League campaigns, the a club tailored for its parts. And Ir this respect. We ve ter most o! their members, the national welfare required such ist high command that he was request to Washington and the lean lefty has waiked 504 batters Detroit is coming right alon. m point where we are no longer to we ve got from the start to finish formed likely they would need action.
sending his liaison secretary to decision was made by the State and fanned nearly as many, 199. not going to concede anything to be taken lightly by the Yankees m about convinced this has to be only fest opposition party votes Fanmunjom for the purpose of Department there.
Casey Stengel and The Yankees or any other club ns The White Sme Yeer or else JUST FOR FUN Eden views on Germany Pella refuses to help Coffee price rises in Opposition to farm price suport News from Korea DE OROTINA DE SAN MIGUEL DE SARAPIQUI Vip Aer PROVINCIAS OBRAS EN PERSPECTIVA Los colonos en angustiosa situación DS TEES RIOS. DE TURRIAL. BA ENTUBAMIENTO DE AGUAS PLUVIALES Temporada relámpago del Circo Centroamericano De ce mais de 20 años que que en nuestro pueblo, a la hopotation RIO muy ra de elegir una Municipalidad, inte pan o s, que se hacen promesas sobre program de cada mes de trabajo realizar. Todo esconto bace sentras se llegue in t. 16 puesto, na real 11 TOT e uno de acordo Parece que a destinacio de la actual ondadas RS Tote Epilar coupa pride CURL Coc os calidad, 11 Si ado mucho en En visita hecha por la Munt blema de la caferis. Don Francis cipalidad al Ministro de Co pramello ocuparse del nto Los colonos, en esta zona, no se puede transitar por él. En la el año próximo pasado: consigue cuando mejore la tuación ecouncontramos en sngusto sit actualidad hay multitud de agri Tons promesa del señor Orlleh namica de aquel ministerio Con es primer termina el puert. cultores que se han quedado con para dejar construido el matadeDe soore al to Sarapiou ofrece sus productos en la casa porque Io municipal, el crematorio y la Por el adelanto de este mi puen erave peligro, pues el tablon no pueden serios. esto signie terminación de algunas calles per blo deseo, como el que me quello esta completamente podrio fica la ruina para los que cul tricas aquellas poras sean una tangible do. en cualquier momento, pues tramos la terra en estos apartarealidad y terminando estas al des peurrir dei la hay en dos lugares. Con todo respeto La administración Ulate las em trazadas Eneas dire confesado y bermoso puente en construccion consideración pedimos a nuestre pend a arreglar defándolas a me. persignado: pase lo que pa pero debido a la lentitud de los sobierno y sin corporación mu.
dia palo, esto es no terminadas: lo dicho, dicho esti ameu. trabajos estamos asados preeti niipal de Heredia una ayuda in Po raro es que hablar quedado a camente, camino, además es mediata.
qui muchos tambores de asfalto Jorge Guerrero Brenes e pésimas condiciones; na una cuadrilla de Obras PubilCedula 34 185 ple. mucho menos a caballo Hernán Pérez Guillén casino y se devo quellos tambores eso nos hace creer que el tal arregist ni menos que todo con el dedo. Tam bien creemos que e prest.
dente Feres nou did solo sades oroinentes cuando a politica con tecimiento de is on ELEFONO 5464 APARTADO 1434 LEY mund ser cache ha del pro Sot carta abat ALMACEN FEOLI DI LUCA LTDA.
Besos del Registro Civil, Edificio Wolf OFRECE: tauranentes. SARDINAS STO SE INACE ORA CON hos PS Los Dolores de Cabeza salos DE 15 y 2 ONZAS ESTIMADA AMA DE CASA: Pida en establecimiento más cercano la riquisine Surdina CUATRO DIAMANTES empacada en salsa de tomate y aceite. Economice dinero comprando esta Sardina.
SALES KRUSCHEN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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