
SARADO 28 PAGINA SEIS DIARIO DE COSTA RICA NOVENTRE DIT Digic dECOSTA RICA were as wellor Important East Racial Segregation German flees to end on interto West with state travel in family JUST FOR FUN Moroccans await new Premier the shore la donaBAT. Nov, 25. 017 Merwe Russians examining ways of helping India know GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS Thal. en it upi, Geo Heures sont fortable ruca elers in Pu oms is unlawfales follow former Lather tysdan. In seara separate a dich o ne its trus 2016 ally be took them a tionalists posting which bebenor lo de tirst plus nucleoed, so the of thosements nathening of the countrycom Bey are al so disadvantage nd UTOLL met Destiny restricts movements of foreign delegates smeereis is to provide both comment bele este de contamothors reported Flavor to of the Elur Sarah Wheeler World News Kalter Max Schuster, the well known Orille Artuello fublisher received a wire readings ENGLISH SECTION How big en advance on novel. Merac RABAT. Nov. 15 of sixty Dround wurds He can tony anal pointment Publisted Daily red add back: How big are the of Molanamed Bekkal.
werds enant Colonel of the Frerich NEW DELHI. Nov. 25, RS Premier of their first While the Kremlin top to presentative overtant. Sul1. etats touring BERLIN, Nov. 25.
Dr India II Mohammed Ben Yousef wo aki apeeches, their aldes Johannes Herdeen member of WASHINGTON, Nov. 35.
Communist East Germant ParHeywood was war corresponsapected to make the winte are examine ways of supply fort ontsed Rusun technical SOCIAL INTERCOURSE Tiament. Led to West Berlin todas The Interstate Cummerce Com den in France In 1918. General tent next week. less a Den hio in uniform and economie ald, to the subcontre later he en from exile on today ordered a Alic suced OT Political Summ e and to chiamata Indian sources said today lola Facial agregation on inicrale arved him ifte had fallen into Callal acted as the Sultan per art Like to Islands in the seas,. concer buses KULOV VODKA or the subject are under de ren. Tlie reason for his action and Darstencer buses France itch. ditch. tellow fellow workers once moral resentative in TORCE Six Character s is only Cu STENational Dubbed Fum is one of more than ce of more than colones ween his Stand our personalities were not immediately available ruid tooth officials of the fase at the ALMACEN otfice and Soviet Laundry Heywood wo YeNi Corsica and Mod former Ponomics Esterstate travelers in public wait Sewch of Islands where we always face Bordered BRITANICO HT Foreign Minister Andre s eput Professor at the Martin Luther ins rooms is awful. The cout Lacally for lo put laces in his car, Like the Olin Juhet One another watering place.
the National to be stroaihetic to the dan. In Sears past hos follow Ctresity at Halle WILScien off. When he took them Tayo and deputy trade in When we promenade our sands fur bowling brary.
which he loved ac a the theory that reparate ac Pavel Kymukin. Thes Temalar ionalists thought una tached Last Germany bronse order of We can hear each other bands, party. The Sultan comleclosed socks with such corto New Delhi whers Premier But matrit Mas for his Outstandine emmodations for the faces met VODKA COLLINS We can see on festal nights Emnia and Nikita Khrustches achievements in the buildine hd the Turements of the Better wou holes that they looked like pleted the first phase of us con11 ot Kulor Vod continued their tour. Five Fus Red and green anr purple lights, Fulations yesterday. Today, the strenathening of the country. He at Commerce act. NOTOD wkle support kal ot lemon ostem Sabbath was to be de(bey are a But It said in te ten mining experts already has as a member of the central com Gilt pavilions in a row.
Juice 11 teaspoona voted to prover spd Teflection. To this: The disadvantare wached the capital to advise the multice of East Germany Commu day powdered sugar Add Indiscovernment o Stucco houses built for show.
kned ac Succeed as Premier Baki traveller who alleredTiberal Democrate to ice and shake well prospectine party and Mayor of Jeca Comodations or facilities so de late to make up a roalition infor od and conferrous metals. Bu The technical team for the eludin VODKA minor Cinated as to imply his inherent ontit par Pill 12 Oglass an und Khrushcher header 1952.
But our eyes can never reach charged witter. Gar throch Southern Todian This interiority solely because of his sportation of letters or sound Further than the lawdry beach, s, as well as independent Tranish with cherry race must be regarded under preis word. Or a series of words is Contatts and Nationality. Mo Bericultural section today after sad slice of pineNever can they hope to win wint conditions Unratonable intratheals, but the more familiar TOUCO needs an authoritative MOV ee day visit to Bombay. Thrust pple or lemon.
To the wonders far within: Also, be is entitled to be free of Gas nations Spoonerin, The Crnment quickly, Sinee Ben Youschev, address the Indian. So chovices, some petty and some Rey. Spooner. Wurden at der return there has been a los Bettie de Holst los hus Ir iel Cultural Society in Bombay Jagged rocks against the sky Substantial, which almost evit New College. Oxford, selieved this of authority by local chieftain ed that Russia has torn Where the eagles haunt and cry, hree de anens for diferent uses: beautwere accompany Secreation in Cubious claim to fame when he appointed in Iul colors for dresses pure white the so caled iron curtain. ChalForests full of running rills, colors for dresses pure white though the rail cariera, as mont bounced his congregatica Let those who worked for his removal engine other countries to OKE Darkest forecasts, sunny hills.
of the defendants have done here to sing the hymn sheet ing, dainty handkerchiefs sheet Ing. dainty handkerchiefs, inquering No new outbreak of violence their frontiers As we have sincerely try to provide bath congs their titles take Anothe: Tenorted yesterday but Moltam and stron Hollows where a dragon Towers.
kitchen Loweling, to foreigners, the Communit per with equally convenient and com e be caused build commotion Third Men Tarbs El Fichtali, a chler Sweet and unimagined flowers.
ty boas declared: No one who as.
und in church by demanding LIBRERIA LOPEZ is equipped fortable cars and waiting rooms to this of the Rill area who worked pie occupewed? radio andoun urles inflicted by a crowd at the to order our English books wherried LOE Dermission to enter the Soviet Union wax refund Saturday At ever published. Prices are per created two classes of his own Tradera Palace last Saturday. At ever published. Prices are lower this year By Francis Cornford.
Khrubcher recited UNITED NATIONS, New York.
when be referred to New Juinea leant for other former enemica Colones, extra care for the docles of socialism mail.
Nov. 25. The US rovercungles instead of New Guinea of the Sultan lost their lives when Mes guidance and held forth an met restricts the movements of ungles, and topped it with stole they were recornired among the what he called the defents at ca B3 forelse delegates observers Lalo for Dute solo, Emily Wedge crowd waiting to see him.
alism. Finally, Bombay atter and correspondents at the UN.
of Baltimore famous Enoch COSTA RICA SOUVENIR on Chief Minister Moraril Desai Cora Tarce foreleners may not, withPratt Library quotes. Rentleman Central Avenue East of Raval, niented: Here in India. We have cut special permission. so farther who declared, My Wife Says bas courtecus attentive people to system which we believe it bat.
it away than 97th street. 48 blocks have had tee many tartoonis, serve you. Their well filled shelvester than either capitalism or 10 to the North. Two are Britis obbut am not so much tinder the are worth examining for objects cial Both Khrushcher and THE GUILD OP ST. URSULA Servers for humanitation afluence of incohol as some pinkof beauty and usefulness.
Buliranin appeared to nod azretRients at the Church of Good estions and the third Middlele theep. mean, tikle peep ment.
Shepherd every Tuesday at 2:30 Eastern correspondent. The eAsk for the Host at CAPE VIEPM ictions are Conditions of adNA near Lasa. He hus been traTHE SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN Ission set by the State Depart red in the finest New York Hotels.
SERVICE of the Union Church nent co the advice of the AlHe gives individual service.
on the 1st Wednesday of every Lorney General, two other foreco Toscanini had a painful exmonth at Private Homes is, official observera, TSE bave LONDON. Nor95 (AP. The Verence one evening with a soloCHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Dermission to a outside the city a chronion today at 16 Who begun he Pan American Hotel, is where are held every Sunday at 10 mits of New York. That is be ete 50. 000 Trely enout but you will find excellent service. in the Missonic Temple, Avenida NEW DELHI, Nov. 25. P)cause they were in such a hurry and and gathered samples of the rathered samples Beulty. Obviously flustered, he friendly companionship. Pleasant Central at Calle 19. cordial Reports reaching here from Kat toget here for the General As dioactive fallout from Russia aldered further and further off rooms, Rood cooldne, the best beer vitation is extended to all thandu Today said the Nepalese Trembly they did not wait for Bec tecent cuclear weapons test or or key. The maestro and the entire in tow all at reasonable prices ROTARY TIBeeh The Government had orderd 15 ronty cheeks which oneft u delined to dieens orchestra held their breaths. Just day 11. 30 tiers posts on the Tibelian border take five weeks. Union Club BELGRADE, Nov. 25. Seventybefore their cue to resume playthe report.
MOSCOW, Nov. 25. The The newspaper said INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS to cbeck the whereabouts or www Snylet citiserts 73 delegates and l ling the soloist managed to recover Soylet Rovernment has severely JARDIN ROSALINDA in The Yugoslav covernment spok. cat MEN LUNCH CLUB MEST mountaineet ITV TABS Correspondents may hat Coulet anthe the original key. Toscanini bowed key. Tocanin bowed incized the treat VoICA. DODAnnexo believes You can say it said today recent arrests ow Yugs every other WEDNESDAY, Chat repalese companion who were put travel more than 25 mules authorities must have the cad said, Welcome bome, Mr. Cana, completed in 1952, as an Klavs In Eungary Provoked cote with flowers.
are twice the site of Indsaid.
dered Veicome othe, Mr. Lan, completed vel more than 25 miles They supply every portedly tested by the Chinese Trom Fortedly tested by the Chinese tran: Julia Weston, Secretary: portedly STENEO Chene Trom this e this headquarters unless England and Wales to conduct sternation hea in Ginsberg.
Yugoslavia, Bras Ocher example of the wasteful floral boed. Large and small with Roman Phone needs. New from annu Rah ve48 Tours Hotice Soviet (1000 Jokes)
ness of Soviet architects and build for their Siberian proving grounds ko Draskovic, Foreign Orlice Incareful attention.
the Nepalese capital had no con Tareen Minister Molotov 17 The News Chronicle Ish speaking Visitors welcome DES. An attack carried in the covformation Chier, kaldt Press firmed said the information abont the In this croup. Whed the Russia TLS erment newspaper Tzvestia ald Conference that the arrests Wer MASONIC LODGE, LA LUZ trebut had received samples were collected yesterday noticial do travel. 27 per cent of the United added: Prom first tests on Gany mions of rubles in state Contrary to the policy of nar.
at and third Tuesday word the three were arrested Oet led States is forbiden ground that the samples. atomie scientists at 1954. The Hydrogen. Uranium Tands were used for the canal foranks five tesis. the Caspian matisation of relations between pach ponth at the onte Tr 32 and taken to KL they may enter only by special Tarwell and Aldermaston uomb was described this way: 11 Such unnecessary decorations BritBlack, Azoy. White and Baltic Yuroslavia and Huntry. He fee ple.
les Inside Tibet.
permission. This includes all neigh as an atomie bomb of pure Un towers. columns bas reliefs and Ilie project includes Jacks decor fosed, however, to say whether CLUB TRI SIGMA meets first sh atomic research stations) beDaring atate al Consecticut analeve that the explosion WAS TIG nium as its core and trigger. triumphal arches. There has been ated with massive statues of Yugoslavia has taken the matter Wednesday of each month.
New York borough of Brooklyn ddinary bomb, but the far Tould this has been placed a sustained press barrage against Mounted Cossaks. Infantry Sol up officially with the Hungarian The State Department has magthum and Deuterium, the ele nateness and wastefulness indlers and Huge Towers Testia government, Belgrade DECS te more devastating hydrogen troLained the 25 mile limit, here and bium bomb. Yesterday rainfall ents which turn the atom bomb building since the party and cor iso lashed out a factories about torts this week and a number of in Washiorton, since 1952 said the is being studied for any signs of into Hydrogen bomb. The Hy ernment, in decree signed by the country such as the Minsk Yugoslavs who hold Hungarian Forbidden area rule sine last increasing radioactivity in the drogen bomb in turn acts as a party chief Nikita Khrushcher cotorcycle plant and others decor citizenship were arrested recently.
MAASTRICHT, The Nether om Netherlands, today. First te January in an effort to pressure lower atmosphere Accordine toriseer for the mass of chear, raw and Premier Nikolat Bulganin. pled with porticoes and columns Among those listed were several anda, Nov. 25. Two das ports said 18 people were seriously Toe Sovlet government into lifting the story the United States fired Liganium in which the whole bomb stripped some architects of theft and demanded elimination of such prominent figures who were active unilar restrictions from serger trains collided on the MUE 112rel, and taken to St Joseph AmerCuring World War II in opposing e ated similar bomb et Bileini So March Stalin and fired them from their attravagance to lower buldin strich Heerlen line in the South bospital at Heerlen.
licans in MOSCOW.
Fro Nazi Hungarian authorities.
Jobs for such sins. The big canal cosa in Reneral.
COSTA PAGA East of de to ORGANIZATIONS IN SAN JOSE Two British mountaineers saites British jets collect evidence of Russian bomb a esther aparacacher and Soviet Gov.
criticizes its hipper bereit Hungary Somerste repo Tastiers Dondentales and of travel ms Chinese Train wreck in Holland Entrega del Premios a los Ganadores de la VI Semana de Conservación de Recursos Naturales INTERESANTE ANECDOTA EL POZO DE LA DICHAS Palubris The Art Bafur staremos en 190. 00. Dobrou cortes entrar en un Blome ha crema DE ARCIA FLAM NCO bolo mo alcazand 15 oplob mbol In Ohm anco 600bonosno. OINA bolomonzolu LP 190 HONGO Wul. quachat an DNB boskoby HaakolamrpzNCHUONO OHON Cog Poola MÁNÁSTAVEN Siguiendo el siguiente programa de la Educación en la Conser Bonos Bancarios. La Escuela ATROZOS DE LA HISTORIA PATRIA ma, se han entrega hoy de Vación de los Recursos Naturales colares de Turrialba obtuvo el pre los premios a los canadores en los El Sr. Pereira obtuvo un premio ter premio ofrecido In Escuela Concursos de la VI Semana de ce 400. 00, Don Francisco Car que hubiere desirrollado durante Ceriservación de Recursos Natura vaal de San Ramón de Alajuela el ano e melor trabajo de oxtenless cano el primer premio sobre el te sien sobre Recursos Naturales, Ga FIX Valor de la Conservación en noe 500. 00 en Bones Bancarios PROGRAMA Economia Nacional obtuvo un fe ente también un premio Palabr Inge Er, Edir Marrento de 300. 00. Don Carlos de 500. 00 en Bonos Bancarios ta, Director de Extension Jiménez Sanabria de este ca al Club 5 de Adultos de San Palabras Prof. Fernando Chatel obtuvo el 19 oremio sobre el aan de San Ramon DOC labas Tes. Administrador General de Timo tema constente en. coracionista destacado en las Cómo era el gran raueador. Héroe, apóstol y mártir. Tenia una asombrosa puntería. Er ducación Pública 200. 00.
Tor de su comunidad. Don Rafael Entrega de Premios cursion Boca de Barranea. Esbribe Panfilo Vidaurre)
Don Rosario Mora, agricultos Campos, Presidente de dicho gru4. Palabrus Sr. Bruce MOL. Ide Desamparadicos de Puriscal, o po recibirá el premio Escribo estas líneas para hacer besa. Pelo castaño, corto y riza menco are invitó a una excursion Distro de Agricultura e Iudustrias tuyo el primer premio sobre el me memoria de un hombre de quien el do de color mas cobrizo que mo Bocas del Barranca con los boys for trabajo de conservación das El Comite Organizador do las pals estat en dcudi reno. Cara oyalada sin bigote, na scotis, grupo de jóvenes que el di En los concursos promovidos durante el año. Gano una libreta de gracias por su valiosa cooperación Esto sucedía por los afios 18 al ris proporcionada y frente regu rigía. Esa vez me convenci de su Tante esta semans, Teataron. Ahorros con 500. 00 como depo a los siguientes Organimos y Fit 20 del presente sielo. Fue alla ar. Con una ligera sonrisa volteratina puntería cuando al hacer va vorecidos los siguentes DeOnD o inicin tartade por el Bancos Comerciales la ciudad de las palmeras, de las na que dejaba escapar de entre os disparos al blanco desde una a Sotis, primer prenulo sobre la costarricense. Don Victor Abonos Superior Ltda.
conchas y las caracoles: en la be sus labios, el brillo de diente considerable distancia, no varió uel Tema El Arbol Gino.
Manuel Monte obtuvo un trofeo Agencias Willys Castro y Zells ciudad de Puntarenas de oro. En excepto y optimiste lines en su objetivo. Ya par 100. 00. La hita Solis es alum ra de 29 grado de Lombardia de de Plata obsequiado por la Esso Srdón Lida. Muy joyes, y por un capricho la vex. Tendria unos 35 años ese tiempo, había intimado bus Standard 01 8. al agricul Baca Anglo Costarricense. del destino, ful nombrado maestro más o menos. Poco comunicativo tante con Garcia Flamenco y es Tuaran. El segundo premio lo tor tor que hubiere hecho mejor la Banco de Costa Rica en la escuela Superior de Varo Visitaba con alguna frecuencia a te solo hecho, constituía para mi, LAVO nta Luna Zamora Cor bor de reforestación durante el Banco Nacional de Costa Ricanes de Puntarenas. Ese ao era su distinguido compatriota, donung conquista He aquí un interesante entretenimiento que traerá a Ud. un mensaje cero, de acow na del Co. Don Rafael Moreira, manda Camart de Ingenieros Agrono directe de la escuela, Rorelio Sola Francisco Hueso, que tenia una diario. Se trata de un rompe cabezas numérico que deletreata 10 letto Lincoln. Guno 50. 00. Gie Cor de la finca de la Escuela Nor mos le Bravo Peres, alumne dei VI DO Monte Inspector Provincial, joyeria contigos Sucedió que mediados de ese edificio de la fortuna, Cuente las letras de su nombre. Si el número de letrats de Heredis tano un premio Consejo Nacional de Produc Juan Jose Monge Madrigal. Gobernación Vestir de casmir e ano, el companero Benjamin de la escuela Julia Lang sano e obsegurado por la Esso Sian chon de seis o más, quitele cuatro. Si el nombre es menos de seis, anadale De compañeros, muy distin rasu imprescindible chaleco, no calante enfermo de algún culdado ITMO sobre el vems CUAJES MOdero ou co andador Compania Nacional de Fuena dos competentes solamente lobstante el excitante calor. Usaba Detros Pecursos Naturales.
tres. El resultado sera su numero clave. Entonces anote en un papel POE Poco cca Eines que mejor hubiera ayu LE citare tres para no prolongar la sombrero de fieltro de la Corta abandonar las labores y cambiar todas las letras bajo su número clave, de izquierda a derecha SI o no un premio de a rmenn bores de recompen BKT Den de Costa son ellas: Benjamin ECR De parte distinguido y ponderado de cara 15. 00. El sendo premio a com aparecerá el mensaje diario que le trae El Pozo de la Dicha.
orestación El Sr. Moreira recibi lica obtuvo el joveneto Eduardo Orlante, Antonio Gamer y el salvado Un libro y para RS, erant us MOLVO SU companeros le de un perto de Registra Miler, Diatribe De Kies Features Smith Esso Standard Oil Co.
1936, 100. 00, trea del IV erado de la Esreno Marcelino Garcia Flamen confidentes. Gran propulsor del dicamos UR comida La Escuela El Carmee de Ala Maquinaria Agrícola Internacio CD.
Ideal moralco, dictaba confeH ubo derroche de vino, como es cuela de Varones Acean wala pang el primer premio portal Miguel Macaya y Cia.
cuivel de Cartago. Ganó un prorencia en ese sentido a los de esperar en estos casos. Pasada aber presentado mejor expo Oficina del Cafe, mio de C50 DO. El Sr. Arnoldo Nótese que las tres palabras pasizadores del movimiento. Era la comida en animada charle una la actitud de Garcia Flamenco, mos en la Punta por un selon sobre Recursos Naturales. STICA.
maestro de quinto Gocales Arts del 19 ato Que forman este nombre, yon adot o tanto inspirados quizá por los porque esto acusabs un descormos de tiros. Estare a de Obtuvo un premio de 300. 00 en Comité Organizador.
to anstha ves: Juntas forman un decasi de primete enseñanza en ſector del vino, llegó la hora del tes al compadero. Molesto Gardenes, le contes pero al in Liceo de Costa Rica, ganó el or ED Labo con bien definida métricas epoca se fuaela.
mio sobre a Tema Por que debe brindis que improvisó con gran e is por mi reproche, se paro eri te recorde la excursió al Bart locuencia, el Inspector de Escue frente mio y con vor fuerte como ca; y el sumo del vino, que te Thos constar los Recursos Naa aven a b Daba sus lecciones en la Escuelas dan Juan José Mange nam para tusgarme, me dijo Tacens cabe, se ME AJO tuales Elenor Ganglez pana Til simbolo de un canto epico. Ah. Superior de NINE 32 que na bre propio y del Personal Docen. Austed to le digo, usted es pies. C 150. 00. Srta. Cids Solano noche no al lumina de Asia del Colegio Suquien iba a creerlo! Aquel silencio habia campo en la de varone De. Buy conmovido coobeto Er un tonto. sentarme iba dende ni fui a la playa respirar Zerior de Señora del 19 pre No hambre, totes maestro ambu traido por el rendbe pres alante dando las gracias y enton igual sa del mar y el dulce arom por cierta su expresión, mio de 75. 00. El estudiante Lante en Sarniiento y Guscimal de estaba rodeado este gran edu ces Dundel Zuniga, Prof. de musique Sancho a postrofado por los resedas en tlor. Todo co che ve e o RIO DE JANEIRO 24 T jeron un poco mes de dos milions habria de convertire al poco tiem cedor trate de acercarmele pana canto de la escuela. Quo Quijote pero los compañeros melde y no dormi en todas Facultad de Ciencias Econo reciente disputa de la Copa doscientos mil cruceros e las cu pja, en héroe, apostol martir. hacer amistad pon el logrando mi tambien despedir al companiero animaron proseguir. No podía pensaba tan solo en mi buens de n treselecdones de fut les la CBD HINO el cinco par des Héroe por su gloriosa hazame rea proposito, di algunas lecciones en En uso de la palabra estaba menos. Me sentis herido por eldre, y en la suerte que me te o prerutore Tem ol de Chue y el Bras. Tur Tunato de la sum parte de los y de todos conocido. Após su srudo y presencie muchas de cuando repentinamente Garcialcolmo veleno porte quel Prefería morir dianamenter bace bueno Remer cieramente un fracaso para su Chilenos rae de unos 354 TOL porque cayo en emboscada y las suas con interés atención. Flamenco se levantó cogió su pe la serpiente silve, porque, por mis no dar un paso de cobarde, Bottines en Rica. con Orzanizadores.
rasme y ederacions de can Sol en setendo doctrins Quede mai o de su método ragy onbrero y sin decir. veneno que destile, no lora da caballero tente 30. 00 dat Contecoracion brases de de futbol de Rio de Janeiro Sa de bed. Y, mar, porqye y disciplins usados. La stención labra, se merchabt. Guardo siten e Lena de colen Garcia. Este deeldido. las com de José Francisco Pereira Maria deportes CBD anunció que los Patilo recibieron menos de dos mis en aras de un ideal del nido no se consigue por la poslo gay al notar yo, la pe. 16 de agredirme purieros, pe zos de reloj de la telesi Le la Facultad de Astance de dos Juegos realizados el més pas or cleito de la renta liquida que Gares Flamenco, era Eltoy tura, me decia Cusato por que lo embargaba por este de ro como se lo impidieron las com tenant constante zob la sersidad Nacional Obuvo el domn Rio de Janeiro en Sao Pa Tue de un poco mas de medio to OTTICO. Un tanto inclinado de los el resto sencillo del preceptor saine, me puse en ple para a deros, me dijo con vos tiradas las el reloj, e intranet premio sobre el tema Importan ulo uno en cada ciudad. produ Dón de cruzeiros habito al cuello y erguida la ca En cierta ocasión Garcus nirestat que no me parecia correc Mañana a las seis nos juntare to concent NUN FRACASO ECONOMICO LOS PAR hovenin alabas, como be TIDOS ENTRE CHILE BRASIL Pass Is Página ONCE MANDRAKE EL MAGO Por Lee Falk y Phil Devis EL FANTASMA Por Lee Falk y Wilson McCoy SNO TRENCESILO TENGO QUE ANDAR REZIDOLESTARS ALLEGAR ERCADO POR FUERA!
POR Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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