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RATEXA STIS. MATITO TIE COSTA RICA ORGANIZATION IN FINISHES 32 MILE SWIM Barch Wheeler SPORTS SAN JOSE Editor Orio Arelle Norld News Keller BASKRALE THE GUILD BT. URSULA meet at the church of the Good ENGLISI SECTION Telephone: 1300 Ainerican Leatre battint vased 1042. 3252 Published Daily Sunn the lobby of her mot Spherd cvery Tedy at 2:30 On 27 ot bataM antle, Novelludy drew amhall Alp of PM York. 362; Williams, Boston. 3463 10: paper un an envelope. THE WOMEN CLUB neas well. Detroit, 334Vemon, and ld, My husband will necond Wednesday of every Bosion: 25: Quen Detroit. These Tine hus odinantl. GILATIE meet and no Runs Runwant Mante. New OT: 105 and that he loves me very much next door to Pulperia he and that e Fox, Chicago, 84; Yost, Washing All that on such a small piece P. 3rd Wednesday at the ton, 82: Bauer, New York, 79; MIof paper her friend woked Union club, proceeds used to Dono, Chicago. 78. Runs batted in James Marlow talks Pollies (P. Yes. You nee, It a. check for a charity Montle, New York, 107: Eune, handa dalla THE SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN hundred dollara, the firmes mentioned belos Detroit, 04: Simpson, Rankas City SERVICE of the Union Church on Eneli spoken. 0004 Adlai Stevenson can be happy now that he got the 89: Wertz, Cleveland. B2: Doby, the 1st Wednesday of every month Chicago. 78. Hits. Mantle, New Navy News Magazine, TIBRERIA LOPEZ Central Ave.
Democratic Presidential nomination the way he wanted to York, 151; Kalite Detroit, 149; CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVI one block from Hotel Costa get it. But the road to the Presidency itself is all uphill: Fox, Chicago, 146; Kuerin, Detroit, Friend: Gracie, have you beard CES are held every Sunday at 10 Sunday at 16 offers besutitul arlokol Just before he turned off the light early August 17 and 139; Jensen, Bostou, 137. Doubles Lonely Heart. In the Masonic Temple art. Interesting Spanish Persall, Boston, 30; crawled into bed he must have sighed to Vernon.
Enlish books for old and Gracie: No, but if your neck. Avenida Central at Cwe 19. Cor himself: don get another minute rest Boston and Kaline. Detroit, 25: lide were any lower could see dial invitation is extended to all tig also school and office buip Buddin until after election night next Nov. One plles: Boston. Minoso, Chicago it.
and Bertu. New York, 23. Triples ROTARY CLUB each Thursday thing is sure: if he hadn won the nomina Jensen, Boston and Simphon. Burns and Alten TV show.
Welcome stranger to the Rosa.
1:30 AM Union Club tion last night, it wouldn have been beKansas City, 3: Lemon and RusMASONIC LODGE, LA LUZ shoe Bar in the PAN AMERICAN nels, Washinkton. 8; cause he didnt try. He had prepared for it Goodman, located. You The doctor had finished the exa 3, meets first and third Tuesday HOTEL centrally since he lost his first try at the presidency Boston and Fox, Chicago. 7, Homo mination and was ready to give each month, at the Masonle Tem will find conseil companion run. Mantle, New York, 42. his professional advice. Qut ple und hear the latest local news in 1952. He had a jink: His overwhelming Wertz, Cleveland, 24: Kaline. De moking and drinking to to bed CLUB TRI SIGMA meets first defeat by President Eisenhower four year troit, 73 Maxwell. Detroit, Berri, Learly every night and get un at Wednesday of each month troit, 23; Maxwell Detroleersthe crack of dawn, he he said. THE DIPLOMATIC BRANCH BOTICA MARIANO TRA Brends Fisher. Enetish swimmier comnletes the 32 mile Take Ontario New York and Lemon and Slevers, the crack of daw, HED. He mad to commeme Ponce OF THE SOCIETY OF THE RO Central Avenue on corner, block OF THE SOCIEUX ACULADO CO East of Gran Hotel building: 01trust him for another try when the political swim in the record time of 18 hours, 51 minutes (Aug. 14. She Washington, 22. Stolen bases. That the best thing for you. Frankly, Doc, the patient 30 PERO OF THE INMACULADO CO East of Gran Hotel buildine of polls are saying Eisenhower is the favorite shown being assisted out of the water at Toronto, Canada, beach by Rivera, Chicago, 16; Aparicio, Chi Avila. Cleveland 11: iwered. don deserve the best. RAZON OF MARIA meets every er full title of toilet articles gain lastminute blow on me from for policeman. She beat Marilyn Bell time by more than two hours, CABO. 12: Monday at Private Homes of the Factor cosmetica, Tinest French Wirephoto.
Francons. Baltimore, Kuenn. De What second best. members at 2:30 in the troit and Mantle, New York Pitperfomes, we experienced chee mer Presiucu Truman who, told the convention and all ching bases on 12 decisions) voters Stevenson couldn win in 1956. It was a strange mists with best quality ingredients Our Town in White Baha Preside, 228 Avenida in prescriptions department. Tois niece of business for a politician like Truman who knew EGYPT SAYS BRITAIN USES CANAL MORE THAN Chicago, 17 773; Brewer, BosFord, New York, 14 4, 778; Pierce, Plains, Thursday at p. English. phones 9926 and UIRY when he said it the Republicans could use it this autumn Baha Center. public meetings OTHER NATIONS Reporter Dispatch.
ton, 16 6,. 727; Wynn Cleveland, GREETING CARD STORE Now Wednesday and Friday at pmly opened. 25 Varns South ut against Stevenson if nominated. In the end, all Truman 14 700: Kucks, New York, 16 7, day at pm. Spanish; Friday, Botici Mariano Jiménez has a blow proved was that he had lost his influence and that. 696. Strikeouts. Score, CleveCAIRO, Egypt, Aug. 20. P) Erypt Buez Canst authority puIle Mary arrived home one day a montrol of the party was now in the hands of younger men blushed hures toan Khowing Britain remains the Lractive cards for all occasions; Jand. 188: Plerce, Chicago. 137; day wita mongrel female dos est user of Foyrack. Detroit, 132: Pascual, Mary, of course, thought the anialso fancy paper of best quality The blow may have done Stevenson good, since many peo the water way of 019 ships that pissed through the Canal since REPUBLICANS AT Washington. 131: Hoeft. Detroit, mal was beautiful, but try as she for gift wrapping.
ple dislike Truman. At least it proved in a dramatic way tre July 26 nationalization. It anid. 258 were British 147 Norwegian theran 84 ton 62 Panamanian and 61 Dutch. Among the 123, National League: Batting (ba might she could not convince her GLANCE (AP)
575 hat that Stevenson no longer can be said to owe allegiance to BETTINA DE HOLST, HIJOS Asaroni. mother that they should keep the sed on 275 at bata. others were 23 US, and 21 Russian ships.
To momen nes Rantillean National Conse the debate Republican National Convention has new assortment of colorid the former President. If Senator Kefauver had not quit MUwaukee, 334; Moon, St. Louis, dog. The climax of the debate opens in San Francisco Cow Pa knitting Wool. also star sprinkled 3265 Musil St. Louis. 216. Scho came one day about weer over Ince with redomination of Pre washfost the race before the convention opened and throwri his supunfastcrochet ya endienst. New York, 311; Kus when Mary arrived home from PANAMA FEARS RUSSIA WILL WANT TO dent Eisenhower and Vice Presle and beautiful knitted Accesories port to Stevenson, there might have been a real struggle wiki, Cincinnati, 310, Runs. school and found her dog running dent Nixon later in the week for your babies, and perhaps a deadlock, letting someone else get the nomiINTERNATIONALIZE CANAL Robinson, Cincinnati, 94: Snider, about the yard followed closely by nearly certain. Herold Stassen DON JOAQUIN BOOKSTORE nation. Kefauyer move clinched it for Stevenson. While Brooklyn, 85: Aaron, Milwaukee. e pack of male dogs.
continues his campaign to replace Central Avenue 100 yards East of Kisenhower has an edge starting out in this campaign, BONN. Aur. 20 The Republic of Panamá today expreseed 81; Kluszewski, Cincinnati and Mary, her eyes shipink with Nixon on the ticket, but other top the Hotel Oriental, bas English Runs Mathews, Milwaukee.
Stevenson chances will soar if the President has to with 116 Surprise to West Germany that it was not invited to the ton hatte Musel stTous 90. pride and conviction, burst into party figures in Increasing num novels. Also Spanish German and draw before election day for physical reasons. It questio don Suez conference. In a noie delivered to the foreign cflsce. Panates from the best on Klusw. del Cincin 84 Add the house. Mommy, she called bers acd up behind Nixon. Go other In má also stated Tirm opposition to any proposal to Internationalize nable the Republicans have anyone but Eisenhower who the Panamá Canal. The more and Panams should have been invited cock, Milwaukee. 80: Boyer, st. Come to the window our oog st Come to the window! Our dog vernor Arthur Langle of Wash lishers. Open evenings and all das vernor S ngton Crafts keynote speech for Saturday.
is as good a yote getter as Stevenson, Stevenson showed in to the London conference in view of Analogies between the Suez Louis. 76; Lopata, Philadelphia, Just a natural born leader!
late afternoon session, Platform 75. Hits. Aaaron. Milwaukee, 1952 he was a ballot box attraction even though Eisenho And Panamá Canals. Camilo Belisario Porris, the Panamanian MAdrafting Contributed by Louis Merlins.
147: Musial, St. Louis, 142; Ashcommittee completes! SALON FEMINA 100 varat nister, said the note was prompted mainly by reports that Russian wer beat him by 61 million votes.
might propose the internationalization of the Panamá Cunal at the burn. Piladelphia, work on document subject to de North of Hotel Costa Rica Bits 138; Boyer.
St. Louis, 137; Temple, Cincinnat, Readers Digest. Ferates approval. No controversy perfect permanents Choose your London meeting. Participating nations at the London meeting, Simiforeseen over Civil Rights plank. delicate hair tint Helena RubinINDIA AND BRAZIL MAY BUY 135. Doutles. Lopata, Philadellar notes are being sent to other powers taking part in the conte stein Contour Lift Film: javna phia, 30: Musial, St. Louis, 27; rence.
able for facial beauty. Telephone FARM PRODUCTS Parildo, Brooklyn, 26; Aaaron, MIL EISENHOWER LEAVES PANAMA BACKS EGYPT waukee, 25: Bell, Cincinnati, 24.
Garnett, head of the foreign agriIS EGY EGYPTIAN REJECTS WASHINGTON. Aug, 20 A) cultural service of the Gepartment, ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT URGES PLACRIT Triples Aaron acid Bruton, MA EROL waukee, 12; Connell. Milwaukee CAIRO, Aug, 20.
EARLY FOR. Rafael PLAN FOR SUEZ kgriculture department officials said reports of these sales are preSETTLEMENT OF SUEZ QUESTION Vailarino, Panamanian master said today India is and Moon, St. Louis, S: five planegotiating mature but admitted they have be purchase of about 400 million dol en under discussion. Wheat. Flotir.
yers tled with Home runs. Sni to Italy and Egypt, said today PaBy Harvey Hudson lars worth of surplus farm com Rice and Cotton are among the ug. 20 UP The Argentine governmentinm eder, Brooklyn, 33; Kluszewski, Cin nimi would never accept Interage to the London conference on the Suez Canal Tai modities from the United States. comimodies being dlacused in the Milwaukee innati, 31; Adcock, national control over its canal LONDON. Aug. 20. AC 20 Fayment would be in Indian cur negotiations with India. The cost percelul settement of the dispute which May fulfill the handen und Robinson, Cincinnat By Marria Arrowsmith Just as Egypt refuses such con Eyptian spokesman rejected tre ney The Arrentine mer stolen hey e es. THE would be the. Mathew, Milwaukee, 21.
trol over the Suez Canal Vallaring US plan to ease the Suez. crisis current world prices estim peace to which the world inspires.
e an fargest foreign currency purchased at 300 million doh dollave but actrered to British Forein Secretary Selwyn Lloyd. Chairman of the but cost Tered to BTh Forelin Secretary Selwyn Lloyd, Chairman of the lases. Mays, New York, 23; G1 old a reporter the Suez Canals in today. Aterat hours before WASHINGTON, Aur. 20. I IA White New Chenge change a his plans will put belongs to Egypt, just as the Past was to his plan of farm product if the anlef to this covernment amount to 100 concrence last week. Argentine Ambassador Alberto Candintiam. Bryn. 10white, NEWA willpos belongs to Egypt. just as the Pa was to be put formaliy belon put arally befowa on through Department spokes on more. The commodities and on Lloyd today in connection with the note, Arrenting the York, 13; Moca, St. Louis, President Elsenhower in San Francami canal belongs to Pacam the 22 nation conference on the men said also Brazil is negotiating would be delivered in a three year message said. Rerards with deep satisfaction the procedure of conTemple, Cincinnati, Pitching cusco tn time to take a personal Ee said there is a great similarity Cacal future. Fifteen countries sultation adopted by the conferencefor between 70 and 30 million dol period.
bitsed on 12 decisions. New hand, if he wants, in the desis procedure which so succesbetween the two canals. Vallari were reported lined up behind the lars worth of wheat, Gwynu!
sfully contributed to the establishment of peace on the American combe, Brooklyn. 11 5, 733; LAW tation of his Vice Presidential na. who resides in Rom, flew here plans Secretary of States Dale continent. This international juridical practice, so deeply shared rence, Cincinats, 16 727; Free running mate. But there was no last week to hand over a copy of les was to introduce in writing by the people and the government of Argentina, is based on the man. Cincinnati, 10 714. Strik Indication he plans to do so. the note which Panamá lodged at anternoon conference Mes EDITH MCLAREN TOT REPUBLICANS principles of such high moral value. that they are the only ones seonis. Haddix. Philadelphia and White House press secretary Ja with Britain protesting at Panason. Meanwhile, high Westein SPEAK AT BAHA APPROVE CIVIL able to ensure harmony and concord for all mankind. Candiott Friend, Pittsburgh, 128; Jones, mies Hagerty said yesterday ma absence from the conference, official said that danger of shootasked Lloyd to express to the conference the hope expressed by Chicago, 124; Misell, St. Louis, stihower will leave tomorrow. The noteo which he handed to me as a result of Egypt seizure CENTER RIGHTS PLANK Argentina provisional President General Pedro Aranburu last 124 hours earlier than he had plan Egyptian Poreign Minister Man of the Suez Canal company has march that The moral forces which uphold our civilized world will Ded for the Repubican Natio noud Pawal Saturday, expresses Giminished considerably. The ofl Mr. Edith McLaren of Ham The Republican platform comm once more prevall and contribute consolidate the peace and the nal Convention. He said Elkenho Panami deep regretat not be cal sud Dulles has wori Eden orer burg. will be guest speak see, after four hours of debate, ap security that the tree world so greatly cherishes.
wer wants more time to visit lug invited to such a conference. to his view that the nationalisaer at the meeting Wednesday proved early today evil rights with many of his friends who are And added, emphasised Panami ton must be countered by moral night. Aug. 22, at pm, at plank which is chairman sala beletatea. top administration full sovereignty, authority and con force rather than a military show The Baha Center, Fourth Avenue would help the Republicans 22 NATION SUEZ CONFERENCE REACHES INIXON STILL FAVORED oficial who asked tot to be ta trol over her Canal, in spite of Unt of strentch. Dulles was also repor 30 22nd Street. She will show both the North and the South ad said the change in plans was ted States administrative control ted convinced that the Soviet BY EISENHOWER SHOWDOWN STAGE colored Slides of the Baha House Southern members Intimated they in no way related to the second over it, the Panama Canal. 11s Onion is very anxious to avoid any of Worship in Wilmette, 111. Were to sure of Benator By Lynn Heinrerling.
spot nomination. The nomination water med the land surrounding risk of war in the Middle East, The Bala surimer schools in the Uni Bush optimism, Bus there was is expected to go to Vice President it, belong entirely to Panamá, Val new rejection of Dulles proposal ted States, and scenes in Europe, no indication the Southern gatea a majority of the delegates LONDON AUZ. 20. The 22 supporting the Dalles plan. WhatSAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 20, Nixon despite Harold E: Stassen larino said M surprised at the Was made by Alt Sabry Nasser Ve el van teachers who would take the sue to the Ilo Prezident Eisenhower was relis Talon Suez conference reached Erorts to keep Nixon off the tick omission of Panamá from the list top political aide who is on Lonhestyen cours Green Acre of the NATIOna! convention open anawcown stage today, with ever the immediate outcome the bls reported to be ready to Rivelat.
PL conference, one high Western of of countries attending the Lon con observing the 22 nation con laubelen Sumer Schools in today. The word Nixon a dear track for renominaof a nd we west still far apart. But cind said he is convinced militantion in the Republics don conference, Anyway ve come ference from the sidelines, Egypt and has been dele plank not made public, but some delegates said the danger or action in the Mediterranean convento Egypt specially to discuss the declined to attend the conferenThe National Baha Con Was understoop to say the party letion. bening today. In the lace shooting war is fading India Low remote. He said Prime Miniof situation with President Nasser ce. In an interview published in vention in Chicago, Ill. Having visi Accepts the supreme court de VK Krishna Meron drew up a ter Eden is now thinking in terms on to discard Nixon, the Vice Pre tan Herter of Massachusetts. report the results to my goverti repeated the Egyptian stand that campaign by Harold Stas land Foreien Minister Pawzi and the controlled Cairo press. Sabry ted the Guardians of the Faith ciston barring a segregation climactic compromise tod, with the of moral rether than military pursdent associates sald they had Herter is asking reprezentative Jo ment.
Hite, Israel, she will describe in the public schools as the law hope of bringing the West and suasion. Menop. It was reported. received 2surances Asked if Panamz Was International operation of the Eisenhower seph Martin Jr. the Conven planning to nationaliz her canal, Suez ne activities at the International of the land. It approves the CivERPilad President, Nasser togeth has been unable to win complete will submit neither publicly portion permanent chairman, to Vallarinn replied acceptable. But he also Bhai Headquarters there. She rights recommendations of Presler. This afternoon session was approval of his compromise plan privately any list of men be re withdraw his name if it is offered talk about this matter. This is so passage of shipa through the CaI don like to aid that interference with free also show pictures of the shri dent Eisenhower, specifically meri delayed minutes, while US, Se by either side, Alberto Martia Artecards as Calified, and acceptable Lor second place on the ticket, In mething with which only my go nal would be an act of ageression ee and cardens, and of the new toning proposal for a CIV Cretary of State Dulles met with jo, Spanish Foreign Minister was to him as a running mate, Stansen the absence of any indication from Archives Building on Mount Care commission and to sive the de Soviet Foreign Minister, vernment is concernea.
Dmitri also working on mel toe trip to Costa Rica will partment of Justice new cv! Shepilov. prenumably to punishable by the United Nations compromise solu has pinned hisdrive to replace Eisenhower that others are accepconclude a teaching tour of Cen riehts division, Bush. of Connec rum of the West firm stand for ed approaching other diplomats would let it be known before the red to everybody. probably in inform tion of the crisis. He was report Nixon on a hope that Eisenhower table. Nixon renomination appea ARGENTINA RACKS WESTERN PLAN FOR SI77 American countries which be ticut, said the proposed plans an anternational authority to ope operated by a board with a majo Convention an in Mexico, where she appea would be made public later body. Tate the canal. This Egypt has alrity of Egyptians and balloting session cluding Stassen as about as cer ONDON, Aug 20 LONDON, Aug. 20, IR Argenting today gave its support to minority Wednesday at Argentina today that some national Congress in July. He made a others tain as the shout of acclamation the Western plan for International control of the Suez Canel, aithe that the civil rights ready rejected. There were indica of Canal user. Under his plan ais would be equally suitable as a Vice plank drafting curupleted work on tions the document which would putes would be submitted to the Presidential nominee. Stassen, has fering of Eisenhower name to disclosed that Argentina. as a trading nation, has informed Britain chedulled to greet the form of ought it is not participating in the Suez. conference, British officials the 000 word platform, which 15 emerge rom the conference would United Nations zubject to convention approval. contain a variety of viewpoints but!
been advocating Governor Chris the contention by Representative of its backing for the Dulles plan, aimed at settling the Bues die Charles Falleck of Indiana. pute.
CONVENTION ONDON, Aur. 20 sed in the OTRAS MODIFICACIONES DEL ARAN DESASTROSA ES LA RECOLECCION DE BA LICITACIONES CEL DE ADUANAS SURAS EN LA CAPITAL ABRIO EL ICE EL POZO DE LA DICHA FEESÅ4 42AINE HI No coloqqanda Focos de epidemias son los montones de basuras que en todas partes se encuentran, sin que la Municipalidad haga o disponga lo pertinente para su pronto acarreo. Dice la Junta Progresis.
Seis licitaciones ha abierto el ta que se está construyendo eu Barrio Güell, en sus primeras providencias ICE a fin de adquirir equipo ms Señor do se iniportan en un mismo emteriales para el Sistema Eléctrico Contador Mayor de la República barque con il cantidad de re Ya se han efectuado varias reu mar en cuenta que la vida del pue suficiente para todos los meneste Nacional, cuyo costo scendera Ciudad.
cipientes que están destinadas, silones de muy distinguidos sefo blo depende del agua potable que res de los hogares de escasos re una elevada suma dada la canti pudiendo venir puestas separa res del Barrio Guell que esta consuma y de las condiciones de cursos económicos. Don Jaime no dad solicitada de los mismos, paFistimedo señor: asmente.
constituyendo la Junta Progresis aseo de la ciudad. Una vez más, se da cuenta de que nuestros bara mejorar los servicios eléctricos NO CA 56 216 Agosto 17 ta de ese barrio del sur de la cap! queremos hacerle cargos al Presi rrios no tienen agua, porque en su en todo el pais.
Para su conocimiento y afin de de 1958. Tengo el custo de co tal. Los distinguidos componentes dente Municipal don Jaime Tor casa tiene los servicios que él quie que se sirva trasmitirlo a las Adux municarle que la Comision Aren en sus primeras mociones han promo, pues el es el responsable de EUR ria y caliente a todas ho Entre lo que el TC propone me permita trascribirle los celsrin a solicitud de Industrias puesto dirigirse la Municipali tanto quebranto de las buenas rearas, con tres o mas servicios. comprar, anotamas más de un ini pronunciamientos de COMI Alimenticias estudio las ca dad de San Jose, para instala a lizaciones y planes de las munici nicarios. En cambio nosotros no llar de postes de diversas cond SION ARANCELARIA Que dicen: racteristicas del producto EMAR que se resuelve a tomar medidas palidades anteriores, que se preo tenemos agus ni para tomar du ciones que se usaran en distintos GOL uando como emulsificante en de emergencia en cuanto a la re cupaban por mantener a los puerante el dia en horas de calor que lugares del país donde el InstituNO CA 56 214Agosto 16 la industria de grasas comestibles colección de basuras, Manifiestan blos con buenas aguas y con el a producen sed. Confiamos en que to da servicio eléctrico. En cable de 1956. Tengo el gusto de co Drdas sus características, se acor las distinguidos ciudadanos que seo de verdad esmerado. Tormo los compañeros del señor Tormo y alambres, comprar varios cienmunicarle el acuerdo tomado por do recomendar su clasificación en los montones de basuTAS que se suenta con grandezas que no po se quien ese yugo de encima y ex tos de miles de pies: varillas, pmIs Comisión Arancelaria en su Se IR siguiente forma: encuentran por todas partes, sob dra alcanzar, ya que su visión es presen su manera de pensar am tectores aisladores, repas de ao del de Agosto ultimo, refelos principales focos de epidemias empecinada y tendiente a despre pliamente, como sabemos que lo terssion, etc. se incluyen en las Tente al procedimiento para 20 Producto: Partida MARCA e infecciones de la capital. Sabe ciparse de los barrios más nece haran ne vez que don Jaime les licitaciones abiertas rar las tapas utilizadas en envamos dicen que no solo en esta ciu sitados. Ya hemos visto el deseo quite 185 TRAS.
Para cada licitación, por sepases de vidrio. Al respecto, nos per EMARGOL 552 02 03 lacs Incha por ese problema, pe de numerosos ciudadanos exprerado, el ICE estipula condiciones mitimos mantrestarle que la Coro indiscutiblemente tenemos que ado en los periódicos, de que el distintas, tomando en cada CESO misión dispuso interpreter la Par Muy atento servidor hacerle CRTROS concretos In Mu sebor Tomo abandone la Presimedidas de seguridad para carantida 665 01 00 en el sentido de nicipalidad de la Capital en viata dencia de la Municipalidad con el tizare a buena calidad y cumplique se incluyan en sila las tapas Fernánder de Droeramas de ampliaciones in exclusivo de volver a tener una miento en las compras propues de tipo corriente destinadas en Director Administrativo Ty otras tantas humoradas sin to ciudad limpia y con agua potable TES yeres de vidrio, siempre y cual Ilok popiaombok ukozzolo maloll IMDI WOZIWODONTO olla cin ZNDO modis Nookbook bobozbas 19 12483AZALEA He aqui un interesante entretenimiento que traerá a Ud, un mensaje diario. Se trata de un rompe cabezas numérico que deletrearà su fortuna. Cuente las letras de su nombre. Si el número de letras es de seis o más, quitele cuatro. Si el nombre es menos de seis, añadale tres. El resultado será su numero clave. Entonces anote en un papel todas las letras bajo su número clave, de izquierda a derecha y aparecerá el mensaje diario que le trae El Poto de la Dicha.
Beristrado 1955, William Milly Distribuido por Kine Teras Sada lec.
WISELE SE CONVIER VERSE S2 COD. ES HARRY VA COMO EL HOMBRE EL ASOMBRADO CARRYVO COMO UN EXTRANJO ROBOT TRAE LAS ROPAS DE SU AMIGO 1099 AL FIN NOS OONOCEMOS EN PERSONAL 12 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Este documento no posee notas.