
Lunes 14 de Setiembre de 1963 PAGINA CUATRO LA PRENSA LIBRE Conclusions Recommendations of US Senate Internal Security Subcommittee Investigating Interlocking Soviet Subversion in US Government Departments By Higher Level, Self Protecting Penetrators Secretly Shaping US Policies US Rejects Red China Plan on Korea; Costa Rica, from Washington, communist Party o membershi Adenauer Triumph Beneficial for France, UN May Make Final Decision Tomorrow Western European Integration, Says Reynaud SAN JOSE, 14. Delayed 10. Members of this conspiracy by sea mail, there has arrived in repeatedly swore to oaths denying Costa Rica, from Washington, Communist Party membership a copy of an official 50 page when seeking appointments, trans.
document, dated July 30, 1953, en. fers, and promotions and these Oa soy. mien CALI ZEST Attlee Irked By US Policy SPARKLETS other from expor nattern of this calling certain wic he tormwork with equa Refillable Government Departments. Reevery case, gone unpunished.
UNITED NATIONS, 14. bership of the Korean Political port of the Suncommittee to In 11. The control that the Amer By ELIE MAISSI wondered privately whether Ada The US Secretary of State was in Conference.
vestigate the Administration of ican Communications Association, ion of lican Communications Association. INS Staff Correspondent)
enauer victory actually put the New York today for conferences The US has rejected Red Chi. the Internal Security Act and oth a communist directed union, main heat on France to ratify the six PARIS. 14. INS. French nation DDC Army plan. West with US delegates to the UN inna proposal to enlarge the Koer Internal Security Laws to the tains over communication mes Vice Premier Reynaud hailed the Germany is supposed to contri.
preparation for the opening of rean conference by inviting Rus. Committee on Judiciary, United vital to the national defense poses electio election victory of West German bute 12 divisions to EDC.
the UN General Assembly tomor. sia, India and three other nations States Senate, 83rd Congress, a threat to the securvy or this Chancellor Adenauer as a big step Tow when a final decision was to sit as neutrals. Assitant US Se First Session.
France has long feared the re country.
France has long fearer the toward West European military vival of a German Army. Now expected to be made on the men cretary of State Robert Murphy Without omission or addition, 12. Policies and programs laid Vaadion. 12. Policies and programe laid toward West Euronean mhr and political integration.
described the plan as only a ini. the verbatim conclusions and rec down by members of this Soviet that the hand of the Bonn coali.
is only a ini. the verbatim et Reynaud, an advocate of the tion forces has been strengthened Sets Air Record nor variation of Russia plan for ommendations contained in the conspiracy are still in effect with European unity idea subscribed considerably by the election re the conference which was de report, with the appended names in our Government and constitute to by Adenauer, telegraphed his sults, it can be expected to push feated last month by the UN Gen of the US Senators serving on the a continuiing hazard to our na views to INS from Aix les Bains the EDC project more strenuous.
eral Assembly.
subcommittee conducting the in tional security.
where he is vacationing.
ly. More positive action by Italy Murphy also said the US sees vestigation, follow: RECOMMENDATIONS In open disagreement with some on European unity also may fol no reason why the Chinese Coin.
The subcommittee makes the other French leaders, Reynaud low, leaving the next move up to munists should be invited to the CONCLUSIONS folowing recommendations: said Adenauer triumph was ben France.
UN Assembly opening tomorrow The Soviet international or national or That a thorough study be made eficial fo That a thorough study be made eficial for France because it is BEETLEPAS as Red China has requested. ganization has carried on a suc by the Committee on the Judic. favorable for the unification of cessful and important penetration iary, in cooperation with the De Europe.
of the United States Government partment of Justice, of existing By taking the necessary steps.
AE WASHINGTON, the So. Ko and this penetration has not been legislation with a view toward he declared. France can insure ADD rean Ambassador to the US said fully exposed.
extending the statute of limitation that a revived Germany docs the Communist Chinese proposal This penetration has exten on false swearing and false af not dominate the proposed Eur.
TO 18 proof the Reds don want peaceded from the lower ranks to topfirmations by Government em. opean Community, as is feared by in Korea.
level policy and operating posieployees concerning Communist other French leaders.
tions in our Government.
membership and subversion. INS asked Reynaud his opinion THE The agents of this penetra: That the Internal Security Sub of the European Defense com tion have operated in accordance committee of Congress which munity. Soviet Union non agsres: BEST OF with a distinct design fashioned Senate bill 16, giving Congress thesion pact proposed recently by GOOD by their Soviet superiors.
power to grant immunity to cer Adenauer in a pre election speech. Members of this conspiracy SPIRITS!
tain witnesses, and, in the event Reynaud said: helped to get each other into Gov.
LONDON of its enactment into law, review 14. Former Primeernment, helped each other to rise the evidence taken by the sub the political constitution of our with a The (Adenauer) offer assumes Minister Attlee said he has cer in Government and protected each committee during this session of ope, of which am an advocatetain misgivings about US policy other from exposure.
in Korea. The head of the Opposi The general pattern of this Congress with the object of re. and the pact would be reason calling certain witnesses who have able.
tion Labor Party particularly de penetration was first into agencies plored US Opposition to giving In concerned with economic recov.
refused to testify.
The former Premier said EurThat the legislation now before ope must now work with equal dia a seat at the forthcoming Koery then to warmaking agencies rean Political Conference, then to agencies concerned with committees of Congress which energy to achieve both the mili.
would operate to prevent Com tary security of the EDC and the Attlee also expressed regret that foreign policy and postwar plan Naumann, munist organization and control long sought political union of Eur.
Gepp. McCormick, Prime Minister Churchill Con ning, but always moving to the servative Government should have focal point of national concern.
of workers in communications ope.
San José associated itself with a threat In general, the Communists and other vital defense industries Reynaud also said he thought that if the armistice should break who infiltrated our Government be be considered for early enactment. Adenauer return to office meant NEVILLE DUKE, Royal Air Force down it might be impossible to worked behind the scenes guidi That this subcommittee con that France and West Germany on sale al Squadron Leader waves from his confine the Far Eastern War to ing research and preparing mem.
tinue the present investigation, in would have a better chance to jet fighter plane at Tangmere AirKorea. This was a reference to oranda on which basic American those areas where the evidence settle amicably the dispute over port, England, after setting the a communique issued by the 16 policies were set, writing speeches brought forth during this series the coal rich Saar Basin.
world speed record for leveled countries with troops in Korea, for Cabinet officers, influencing of nearings indicates that the sub Most other French officials South side Biblioteca Nacional ugnt. He new 727, miles per and intended as a warning to the congressional investigations. drafo Version has not yet been uity ex were at least outwardly pleased hour. International Radiophoto. Reds to honor the truce.
ing laws, manipulating adminis posed.
by the election results. But some Telephone 5460 trative reorganizations always That the executive branch of serving the interest of their So the Government reevaluate the viet superiors.
personnel records and the per Thousands of diplomatie, poli. sonal history of all employees tical, military, scientific, and ec brought into the Government, re.
CHICAGO, 14. Fall like weath from the North Central region onomic secrets of the United commmended or promoted by per er brought frost and below freez eastward to the Middle Atlantic States have been stolen by Soviet sons shown by evidence to have ing temperatures to the Midwest and the New England States. The agents in our Government and been Soviet agents.
other persons closely connectedThat the executive branch of today as a mass of cool air from Great Lakes States shivvered in with the Communists.
the Government reevaluate the central Canada move to the At. temperatures in the low 30s. Despite the fact that the Fed personnel records and personal antic coast. The cold front spread Frosts occurred in Minn. WISC eral Bureau of Investigation and histories of all employes who other security agencies had re have been closely and intimately ported extensive information a associated with, and who were in bout this Communist penetration, volved in some degree in con THE COMPLETE little was done by the executive spiratorial activity with, persons POWER SHOP branch to interrupt the Soviet op. shown by evidence to have been eratives in their ascent in Gov. Soviet agents.
IN ONE MULTIernment until congressional com PURPOSE TOOL mittees brought forth to public William Jenner, Chairman.
light the facts of the conspiracy. Arthur Watkins. Vertical drill press Powerful groups and indi. Robert Hendrickson.
on Central ave.
horizontal drill viduals within the executive Herman Welker. circular saw branch were at work obstructing John Marshall Butler.
12 dise sander and weakening the effort to elim Pat McCarran.
Wood lathe inate Soviet agents from positions James Eastland.
in Government.
Olin Johnston.
SYPHON La so de Ed EL blicas vió el maria gado constru lla loc ALMACEN BRITANICO aspira o personnel records and the per FREEZING WEATHER HITS US MIDWEST los L Wood Workers Latest!
other he communists at the Fed: Destories of all and intimates get the facts on 5MITH COSTA RICA SOUVENIRS, LTDA The House of 10, 000 Gifts ITALY DEMANDS TRIESTE PLEBISCITE 2 blocks East of Pan American Hotel Closed Tomorrow in honor of Independence Day Telephone 5312 Box 703 TIME SAVER Cia Constructora ERIC MURRAY, Texas Senator Hails Adenauer Victory ROME, 14. Italian Premierstone wall of Yugoslav resistance Pella called for a plebiscite in the if they attempted seizure of the entire free territory of Trieste as territory by force.
the democratic means of solving Tito repeated his proposals, the situation endangering rela made near the Italian border last tions between Italy and Yugo week, for internationalization of slavia.
the port city of Trieste itself with Pella also proposed an early Yugoslavia acquiring the balance nation meeting in a neutral local of the area.
ity to setup machinery for con wwwwwwwwww ducting the plebiscite in which TELEFONOS 5013 3056. APARTADO 1867. SAN JOSE, residents of the free territory could vote for adherence to eith er Italy or Yugoslavia. He said re.
presentatives of the US, France, the story of human progress Britain, Italy and Yugoslavia and how NOT to prevent it should plan the voting.
By Henry Grady Weaver Distributed by: WASHINGTON. 14. Sen. Lyn! Johnson said he welcomed the At BELGRADE, meanwhile, Foundation for Econ. Educatiop don Johnson of Texas said the German elections as good Pres. Tito of Yugoslavia cautioned Irvington on Hudson, election victory of Chancellor Ad news which resulted in an over the West against supporting Itenauer means that Germany must whelming victory for the Free aly claim upon Trieste. He also be the corner stone of US policy World and such a defeat for the told the Italians themselves he INSTALLMENT No. 129 in Europe.
would break them against the That, as nearly as can under.
stand, is what the great European intellectuals seemed to believe.
And they lived off the aristocrats while writing their books and plays designed to destroy the aris.
tocracy and thus clear the way for the enlightened despot who would Musicals Comedies Westerns run things according to their learned theories.
Cartoons Dramas Travel Education betting on Prussia Frederick the Creat, who was responsible for WASHINGTON, 14. Congre ational Committee, is de the Seven Years War, which acSly encouraging the distrust cording to his boastful claim. he publican National Committ rselves and our ideals a had started on a whim.
Chairman, charged that for cire Jad. Historically, in US life, Frederick was an ardent athe. ulation the Democratic Digest, tall said, politics has stopped ar ist and an able schemer. He great. edited by officials of the Demo. the water edge, ly admired the French Intellectuals who were favored guests at his court. Their theories fitted in with his dreams for a new world Empire with Frederic of course, as the enlightened despot!
and a (to be continued tomorrow)
HOLLYWOOD Movies FOR RENT. Colorful Hand Painted Miniature Ox Cart It seems that most of them were US Politics No Longer Ston at Water Edge News Religious Special Package Service Children Birthday Parties Complete with Projector, Operator Program of Personal Selections PELICULAS de 16 mm. Ltda.
SPECIAL SECTION Andrés Borrasé, Publisher Howard Hall, Editor. Tel. 48523 Mail: Apartado 1533, San José NHUNUN Phone: 1130 (Opposite Variedades Theatre) Box 939 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Andrés BorraséCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyItalySovietURSSWorkers Party

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