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Lunes de Diciembre de 1953 PAGINA DIEZ PRENSA LIBRE AL Ike to Tell UN Perils Confronting World Harmony Foreseen Emerging from Bermuda Talks LEWARETS HOT WATER аном Glass can rust! Smith HAMILTON, Bermuda, Pres. French Foreign Minister Bidault, ment.
By KINGSBURY SMITH Tand Churchill can only hope that tion of European security at a ent will Big Conference on Germ Eisenhower plans to fly direct to the latter who is substituting for Final sessions of the Big Ber (INS European General Manager) there. INS European General Manager) the next French Go Allied diplomats were of the New York tomorrow to address Premier Laniel at the Big talks muda Conference were expected support the con mon policy adopopinion that the Bermuda discus.
the UN Assembly on the perils during Laniel confinement with to be concluded late today. PARIS, INS. European ted at Bermuda as to bringsion on this issue include the fol.
confronting the world in the atom a lung infection, were shown a Meanwhile, word came from Allied diplomats were confident One thing Lanier hope 10 age. He had been invited to copy of the speech prepared for Chancellor Adenauer that he today that a common front policy home to help his own chances for muay that a common front policy home to help his own chances for lowing possibilities: el Effective assurance to Rus.
make the speech by the Secretary the UN address for criticism. They whole heartedly approved the note towards Russia on Germany will the Presidency, as wull as to serve sia that the Big Western powers General of the UN.
enthusiastically approved the drafted by the Big to Russia on emerge from the Big leaders. as an inducendent for the Prime Minister Churchill and speech without any adverse con. the scheduling of a Big. Foreign meeting in Bermuda.
Government and Parliament to will not support nor toler Ministers conference in Berlin. Securing of such an accord was support the European Army attempt to change by force of believed to be one of the ma or Treaty, is an assurance from arms the existing eastern frontis issues under discussion by Pres. Eisenhower and Churchill that of Germany SPARKLING CLEAN An offer to join with Rusia Eisenhower, British Prime Min. l Anglo US troops will be retained Slong in establishing a demilitarized ter Churchill and French Premier on the Europea continent as long in VICKSBURG, Miss. Latest Laniel. peace buffer belt in the heart as the Cold War lasts om te tornado which ripped The tirenov for such a trinart France remains worried over Of Europe that would separate the an Communist and Allied military Let Isaac into this historic city Sunday wasite understanding on the joint reports that once the Europeuil 28 dead, 250 injured of which 75 position to be taken with the Rus Army, with its German con forces.
have been hospitalized and prop. sians over Germany ai ose as agents, is established, the US wil erty damage estimated in excess result of Moscova acceptance of start recalling the five US divi of 25, 000, 000.
a Big Foreign Ministers Confer sions now stationed in Western Following telephone conversa ence on the German probien. Germany. Laniel wants assurances tions between Pres. Eisenhower While details of the expected that a substantial number of Diagonally Opposite at Bermuda and the Governor of accord on a common policy are troops will be retained naermi.
Mississippi, the White House or not likely to be made public intely in Europe.
NW Corner of Central Park dered the stricken city, in which the comunique issued at the con. It is not merely a question of Ideal Spot for a Rendezvous!
four blocks of homes and other clusion of the conference, allied French concern ovec Russia. Open Early. Close Late)
buildings had been levelled by the diplomats in Paris predicted that is far more a question of French howling twister, classified as a the effect would be along the folo fears of a re armed Western Ger TOP QUALITY maior disaster area in order to lowing lines: BOER LIQUORS many. The French think there facilitate the issurance of federal The US, Britain and France would be less daliser of the (Imported Domestic)
funds for assistence and recons. will stand pat on their insistence man forces being rulled out sur truction, that a unified German nation denly from the Ducropeait Army Soft Drinks. Fruit Juices must be free to determine wheth by some future German nationalSandwiches. Pastries SEOUL. US Envoy Arthur er it wishes to join the Allied dc istic and adventurous Government Ice Cream. Milk Shakes Dean conferred for three hours fense camp.
if US troops were around.
today with ROK Pres. Rhee. Also! The Western Big powers France actually would like to! One Visit!
attending the conference was US jointly will refuse to consider any see the duration of the North Atand You ll be a Regular Ambassador to So. Korea Brisgs deal and Rhee Foreign Minister. tary tary neutralization of Germany, is now 20 years, extended to 50. Don MANO MARTINEZ, Prop.
What was discussed was not diss. The only grounds on which That is the duration of the Eur closed.
the Big might be disposed to opean Army Treaty, and thie The conference, the second for consider Russia anticipated de: French would like the US coin SV Dean, prevented him from return. mand for the withdrawal of US mitted to aid them in the event of ing in time for the Panmunjom and Britsih militaryba and Britsih military bases from an aggresive attack from any SAN JOSE, Costa Ria Before you choose any water heater.
preliminary talks to set up a Kothe Duropean continent would be quarter as long as the treaty lasts. od quarver as long as we cavy Sca exports made a considerable rean Peace Conference: and ken the acceptance by Russia, and er be sure to see Permagias, the famous Another far reaching issue on drop in dollar value for October neth Young, a Dean aide, substi Tecuve implementation substi! fective implementation, of an 111 which an Anglo US, if not French, of this year as compared with Sepconvenient Smith Automatic Electric Water tuted for the chief negotiator. ternational system for the control common policy may be reached, tember of this year, and October Heater that provides built in protection Young later reported the 90 min of all types of armaments, includ.
probably secretly, concerns the of last year, according to a mem.
budget against tank rust and corrosion dirt.
ute session he attended Monday ing close inspection of Russia security assurance to be offered orandum from the Director Gen.
made progress.
hydrogen and atomic bomb pro Russia in connection with the re eral of Census Statistics to the Its tank of mirror smooth glass surfaced Meanwhile, the Neutral Nations duction and stockpile centers.
arming of Western Cormany and Finance Minister, it was report.
Repatriation Commission, chairThe French National Assembly steel can rust because glass can rust its inclusion in the Atlantic Al. ed. The memo said exports for manned by a representative of expected Laniel to make no def. 1: liance.
Oct. 1953, were valued at 2, 998. doesn need replacing like ordinary dia, said the Indian Government inite commitments at Bermuda, Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov 557; Sept. 1953: 615, 299; and water heaters. you can depend on it for may have to decide what disposi. since his government must automade it clear in his last note that for Oct. 1952: 3, 980, 645, accord Orranged a lifetime of pure hot water enjoyment!
tion is to be made of the ex POWmatically resign after the election Russia would bring up the ques ing to the report.
who have refused repatriation. of a new President on Dec. 17.
Therefore, the common front CARRO Exclusive Distributors accord may be nidden behind the lines of a communique which merely refers to a fruitful exchange of views or mecting of SAN JOSE, Represent. minds on the attitude to be arloping Puntarenas fishermen and fisited on Germany at the big. Forcanning companies, a delegation eign Ministers Conference.
in Wonderful One Block of US Embassy. Phone 4367 called on officials of the Ministry In view of the instability of his of Agriculture Industry, it was Government, Lan el role at Ber reported, and protested the issu muda actually is considered more ance of a fishing permit to a that of an observer than a policy.
group of Japanese fishermen who making participant. Eisenhower arrived with two modern and well equipped shrimping vessels.
SAN JOSE, Construcities accomodating 800 pupils. The Costa Ricans contended, the tion of a new building for the Ra. The same announcement said report said, that their shrimping fael Iglesias School for Girls on 450, 000 has been allocated for a equipment was no match for that the site of the old one at Puerto new hospital in the port city; and of the Japanese, and demanded Limón, has been ordered, it was the highway between Limon and a revision of the nation fishing the story of human progress announced, with the new facil Westfalia ordered completed.
You Can Fly laws to protect their interests.
and how NOT to prevent it By Henry Grady Weaver Direct to Miami with only a 30 minute Distributed by: Foundation for Econ. Education Stopover in Havana Irvington on Hudson.
Omotic ELECTR TER HEATI payments may be US EUR ALBERTO ARCE, Spend Your Next Vacation New School, Hospital, Road for Limón Benal lioori NOW Fly by the ROUTE OF THE CHIEFS Cacique Chorotega C611. 00 one way. 1111. 50 round trip MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY. HERMES INSTALLMENT No. 167 Down through the ages, the principal business had always been war. When a people won a war they made slaves of the de.
feated people. Or, if they lost, they became slaves of their conquer in the ors. In either case there was al.
ways a surplus of burden bearers.
Luxurious, Long hours of drudgery helped Magnificent to keep the slaves submissive so there was no incentive to develop labor saving techniques no point in worrying about time.
Under such conditions there was no place for the Eli Whitneys or the Only Airplane the Eli Terrys. If any had cropped in Latin America up they would have been frowned upon as enemies of the social with a order. That why Sir Dudley and Canasta Lounge his forward looking ideas were thrown in the discard. Certain of his more daring writings were supressed until years after his!
death when they were published THE MOST ECONOMICAL RATE: anonymously by a group of call.
tious admirers.
Terry was no newcomer in the clock business. For some years past he been canvassing the New England countryside selling highpriced clocks on the installment basis.
But the idea of producing clocks of uniform quality, at CORTISS prices low enough to make them Service available to every family, was something new and radical.
Eli Terry, as far as can find out, was the first to visualize the possibilities of the American idea of low cost and big volume through mass production and wide distribution, By the end of three years he and his partner Seth Thomas had built and sold over 5, 000 colcks.
SAN JOSE, C, Personnel scale of tariffs charged the pub Others were attracted to the of the Government owned and op add sub station facilities in vari field. Competition increased. Quallerated radio telephone teleous strategic locations in the city ty improved. Wages went up. tapi system have sent a petition and country for the filing om Prices went down.
to the Minister of Interior, signed sages; create aviation radio a The unique American formula wie American formula by some score of employes and marine radio divisions: inaugurate was in the making!
listings demands which they a Semaphore Corps in the allege are essential for the im (to be continued)
Guard; establish a category Old provement of the service, it was ary scales: revise and enlarge reported.
labor regulations: install better Among the demands listed, the furniture and improve the co LA PRENSA LIBRE report said, were: added personnel forts of the personnel; devis (The FREE PRESS) where needed. new equipment: better system of transmitting SPECIAL SECTION separate the system into two divi receiving messages: accord Andrés Borrasé, Publisher sions: radio and telegraph: con. sary authority to office head struct an experimental laboratory: apply rules and regulations to Howard Hall, Editor. Tel 4852 establish a school for the training sonr, as needed; establish a Mail: Apartado 1533, San José of technicians and operators; pub eral control over all radio 118h two manuals: one of rulestions and radio schools, and a and regulations, and one of the a technical office of radio cony Baby Radio Personnel Lists Demands for Ministry Your Faithful Friend Throughout the Year TROPICAL COMMISSION Co. Ltd.
SIGURD ROY Opposite the National Library Telephones: 3432 2871 Box 661 ations to per pols, and create Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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