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PAGINA CUATRO LA PRENSA LIBRE Miércoles 13 de Enero 1954 Miércoles LATE NEWS ROUND UP Austria Waiting Long Enough Says New Official LAS TRABA El diputad del Juez TODAY MOVIES CLOSE UPS Con gran Prensa Libr de la senter Primero de con relación legales a los cida AMEF Siendo est dencia para rricenses, pe te tal pronu: sentencia vid a los interese To estoy seg perior de Tr zada, la petic bajadores de cará con am las aspiracio de un grupo dos los traba La sentenc To de Traba ciones a un por haber es nar el susten fiares durant en huelga, derecho adqu vando a la de un tiempo RAVENTOS CIRCUIT CUPID WINS IN HECTIC ROMANCE HABLA LUX LONDON. 13. Avalanches in marooning thousands. The Aus the French fleet, the 49, 000 ton (Newly appointed Austrian For: tria and also in the first proc called German assets in Austria the Austrian, Swiss and Bavarian trian Alps were the hardest hit liner Liberté as she lay alongside eign Minister Dr. Leopold Figi, lamation of the power Allied As late as during the 1949 18 Alps thus far have taken a toll where a snowstorm was in its her dock in this channel port. who was his country Chancelier Council to the Austrian people on of the Foreign Ministers in Park of 221 dead or missing. Helicop third day and new avalanches Firemen quickly extinguished through seven hard postwar years. Sept. 11. 1945.
agreement was reached also ters loaded with medicines, doc threatened.
the blaze which had broken out says flatly that militarily divided in pursuance of this policy, the this issue, which made it appea!
tors and dog. teams were being in one of the storerooms. Before and occupied Austria has nouited then US Secretary of State, James as if the final conclusion of the flown to stricken areas. Many ski LONG BEACH, Calif. 13 Six World War II, the Liberté was long enough for restoration of Byrnes, demanded as early as Treaty was near.
resorts were completely cut off, persons have been killed in the the German liner Europa. The its sovereignty. In the following spring, 1946, that the military ocl In Nov. 1949, the wartime. crash of a USAF Sabrejet fighter French got her as war repara article the noted statesmum scos cupation of Austria should end lies already had reached a which tore into four houses in the tions.
forth Austria case as he sees it and that a State Treaty to re esment on a total of 48 of the 53 Signal Hill section of Long Beach.
and calls upon the US, Britain, tablish Austria sovereignty ticles of the State Treaty. 7th person died of a heart atFrance and Russia to solve the should be concluded.
In Jan. 1952, a session of the tack after witnessing the crash.
issue at the forthcoming Bi In December of the same year deputies called in by the US TEN The plane was trying to come Foreign Ministers meeting in Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov resentative was cancelled because Berlin. in under lows clouds for a landagreed that special deputies of the Soviet deputy failed to show EMPRESA URBINI ing at the Municipal Airport when the four war time Allies should up. This was repeated after the CARTELERA CINEMATOGRAFIRA PARA NOTE it ripped into the four houses and By Dr. LEOPOLD FIGL begin the drafting of the Austrian further invitations in Januay By Upton Close burst into flame. All four houses (Foreign Minister of Austria) Treaty.
and September 1953.
7:00 9:00 PALACE were set afire. Four other persons (continued from yesterday. Written expressly for INS. The first session of the Deputy The Russians rejected the invl.
James Stewar Foreign Ministers took place in tations on the ground that the were injured, two of them so crit.
THE NAKED SPUR ically that they were not expected London in Jan. 1947. At that Western powers first should with: trial and error abroad and at expects nothing less from VARIEDADES to live.
7:00. 9:00 the time, the demands by Yugoslavia draw the so called short treat home. So long as the drift is forthcoming Big Foreign Min for the cession of Austria terri. which they had introduced cars Emilio Tuero steadily toward One World Econ. isters meeting in Berlin than the tory and for the payment of 150 ier AMOR QUE MALO ERES LOS ANGELES, 13. Southernomy to be under when achieved. fulfillment of a promise laid down million dollars in reparations This was done without result MODERNO 7:00. 9:09 California has been shaken by a control of the now hidden Manip more than 10 years ago in the caused the greatest difficulties. Ming, however, in a resumption of strong earthouake which was ulators of Money, Politics and Moscow Declaration.
Richard Carlson In spite of that, the deputies talks on the State Treaty.
felt from San Diego to Sacramen Publicity, it will be allowed to FLAT TOP We have waited long enough succeeded at that time in agree.
to and east to Reno, Nevada, Another Soviet suggestion continue.
for the promised restoration of ing on a great number of articles continue negotiations on the DEAL 6:00 8:00 There was no major damage or Untrained eyes cannot see these Austria freedom and sovereign of the State Treaty.
Treaty through diplomatic chars casualties reported. Power and Manipulators.
James Stewart Spotters with a ty.
However, new difficulties arose nels has brought about no sus THE NAKED SPUR telephone lines were broken in bent for the lurid and undrov. think we are justly entitled during the discussions of the so cess, either some areas and blaster cracked able cause disbelief. Discerning to demand the conclusion of a in many walls in Los Anceles aves watch the hidden rulers State Angeles leyes watch the hidden rulers State Treaty. We will not hesitate buildings. It was renorted most choose rear and clear the wa temos choose, rear, and clear the way to submit clearly and firmly our ub severe in Bakersfield where the for, men to hold office, demands in Berlin.
quake lasted for one minute.
The hidden rulers provide their! Reas ns for the fact that the RAVENTOS 7:00 9:00 own dynamic successors. Schiff State Treaty has not yet been Susan Hayward NEW YORK, 13. Cold weath: was followed by Warburg both siomed are twofold.
THE PRESIDENT LADY er came to the eastern portion of being part of the Rothschild em. First, there are hasic differences the US today in the wake of a pire which ruled European fi. between Fast and West over ways 7:00. 9:00 snowstorm which crippled traffic nance and Bank of England. Leh. and means to secure bence.
Luis Sandrini and caused 65 deaths. Further man has his important part. as EL SEDUCTOR DE GRANADA Secondly. nel here the two snow and continued cold was ex financier, State Governor and camns in the Co War is pre CAPITOLIO 7:00. 9:00 pected until Friday or Saturday nited States Senator.
nared to abandon its position, he.
Abbot and Costello as frigid air moved in from the Tha Maninulators (hidden rul. nuse of the fear of losing pres MEET CAPTAIN KIDD midwest to the east. It was 22 ers) ally with and eventually citie, below in Wisconsin.
rect or influence fortunes that the Soviet Union wants to neroADELA 7:00. 9:00 arise outside their Circe, as those ate and settle all global issues Broderick Crawford LaHAVRE, 13. fire described of Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford simultaneously, whereas it is the YOU RE KILLING ME as inconsequential broke out They contrive a succession of viewpoint of the Western powers early today aboard the pride of moralizers, economic experts and that the Soviet proposed prober.
entertainers for the public. Frank ure will not lead to any result.
furter fills the shoes of Brandeis: Hence their (the West s) interesti FOR RENT COMPLETE FURNISHED HOUSE Marburg and House who directed in solving less difficult problems at Barrio La Granja. San Pedro, surrounded with gardens. Two Wilson were succeeded by Rosen, first.
man and Baruch who guided FDR. The West believes that in this bedrooms, servant quarters with separate bathroom, garage, hot water, curtains and venetian blinds at all windows, terrace, etc. For Pickin appointees for the Repub manner an atmosphere of muHican President (throuch Lucius tual frust can be created which information call CASTRO Telephone 5844 or 5845. From to 11 or to P.
Clav) is Sydney Weinberg (of would heln in solving more dif.
Goldman Sachs. ficult world issues.
Sam Gompers was succeeded The Perlin Conference will an.
by Hillman and Reuther: in econ swer the question whether a wav omics the succession has been accentable for both sides can be Webb, Laski, Keynes. Dublin, Key found.
serling and now Arthur Burns. presume that puring the BerIt was seen to, in the field of lin meetin the West will stress history, that internationalists that East West differences over Toynbee and Schlesinger swept the Austrian State Treaty draft a way nationalists Beard and are so minor that any further de.
ay of its conclusions could not As guides to Asia, Homer Lea. be fustified.
ANTENOR PATINO, multi millionaire Bolivian tin plate king, is showa Millard, Powell and Upton Close Furthermore, the Western ren. with his wife as they arrived in London to greet their daughter, Maria were replaced with Jessup, Lat. resentatives will surely assert Isabella, who was married in Scotland to James Goldsmith, son of an timore and the Amerasia cell that the conclusion of the Aus.
English hotel owner. The father sought to block the wedding, but, Out in front of the hidden Mantrian Treaty is a responsibility in storybook romance, love conquered. International Radiophoto)
ipulators is Moscow. It has our which was clearly assumed by the braggart statesmen over a barrel, B14 powers.
derrieres exposed! Whether the The West will also state that Red Masters crack down or not the conference of small nations depends on their own plans and in the big powers would be spoiled devices. It no nice prospect but if such a clear cut promise, given let look at it frankly.
to a small country, is not carried out. Block West of the SW Cor. of Central Park. to be continued tomorrow)
Austria will never cease to deEn nuestro dependencias mos a un gr que, en anim trar a sus qu na gacetilla a tros matuting que se infor gunos de este nido que hac tos negocios de los anteri No decian tal como los qu ter en tal no ya que dados que devenga; ternos de ese realizar verda tisfacer las ne RENT NEW 1954 RENAULT or JEEP by the Hour, Day, Week, or Month at DRIVE IT, LTD.
STICA SEEKS BIGGER GEAR This is our main initiatives in Cabinet Vetoes Unsplit Work TA Mainspring La Reina Isa durante su ta por la OHN Banana Workers Still Out the field of Foreign Policy.
SAN JOSE, 13 STICA. Austrian Foreign Policy will the joint Costa Rican US techni. never cease to remind the big cal and educational extension powers that the Austrian proi. service, the work of which organ lem, this burning Central Eur SAN JOSE 13 Costa break for lunch, it was reported. ization has been highly praised opean isue, must be solved.
Rica Council of Ministers, or The report also said the Coun throughout the Republic, has re. We will strive to smooth and Cabinet yesterday decided to acil approved the request of the quested the Ministry of Agri: to eliminate present East West bandon the continuous hours for was named to be the new Gover. culture Industry to furnish difficulties over the concept of the government workers which was nor of San José Province. them farming equipment of State Treaty hoping that this Deing tested by small numbers of Minister of Foreign Relations to greater capacity and efficiency, might help to bring the Treaty national employes in various Min. leave the country for surgery: it was reported yesterday.
to an early conclusion.
istries, and return to the previous and that Julio Caballero Aguilar Most of the equipment previous. consider an Austrian Governmethod of a split day with a ly supplied to the educational ment decision to collaborate on group, the report added, has been the solution of the State Treaty the smaller models of various negotiations of the Big an im.
farm machinery for use on small portant step in that direction.
establishments; and that now To illustrate the striving of our they want to expand their service country Government for final program to include the larger liberation, let me briefly summarfarm installations.
ize the history of the Austrian State Treaty negotiations: The Moscow Declaration of Nov.
1, 1943, was reaffirmed by Soviet Marshall Tolbuchin during the march of the Red Army into Austhe story of human progress and how NOT to prevent it By Henry Grady Weaver Distributed by: SAN JOSE, 13 Latest Foundation for Econ. Education reports from the banana workers Irvington on Hudson, strike on the plantations of the Chiriqui Land Company, an affiliate of the United Fruit ComINSTALLMENT No. 190 pany, at Puerto Gonzalez Viquez, were that the dispute had not As Henry Taylor, has ex been settled, that the Director ONG pressed it, the best prize fighter, ac. General of Labor of the Ministry MARIA ISABELLA PATINO, heiress to South American tin plate millions, customed to following the boxing of Labor was still on the scene, is shown starting on her honeymoon in Edinburgh, Scotland, with her rules, is not invulnerable against and that a judge in the Golfito husband James Goldsmith, son of a British hotel man. Their wedding an opponent who carries lead in area has ruled the walkout illegal in Kelso, Scotland, had been opposed by the bride father, Antenor his gloves and who has no com on a technicality that documents Patino, Bolivian tín king, who, at the last moment, withdrew his punction about hitting below the were not properly complied and opposition to his daughter marriage. International Radiophoto. belt.
Long John Scotch Whisky, matured in We in America are up against the wood for many years in its native the problem of protecting our.
selyes against the jujitsu tactics Highlands, preserves the same smooth of those who would have us comrich character and rare flavour that mit suicide by using our own By KAY LAWSON fic of drinks. vines and raise rice? suggested JOHN SCOTCH HS madca famous a century back, strength to destroy the very liter of wine, the match one irate French newspaper reso things that are responsible for PARIS, 13. INS). Wine, wine. boxes quote. gives the same er in a letter to the editor that strength.
wine! It a hot potato in nourishment as 900 grams of miik, The rice growers, however, as Without regard for moral prin France and pared from all sides. 370 grams of bread, 585 grams of ready to tear up their tice ciples of decency and fair play, The latest complaint comes meat and five eggs.
grow wine.
their techniques are skillfully from the Academy of Medicine Drink wine! the match boxes What happened? the rig designed to take advantage of our who has accused the Government advise.
growers have asked anxious DISTRIBUTORS: virtues and turn them into weak of promoting alcoholism.
But Pasteur grandson protes: The Government used to be nesses. An insidious propaganda, the ted. To take a sentence out of smiles for us.
Our habit of self criticism, which Academy said, is displayed on context, he admonished, and use Then the price of rice is so largely responsible for our match boxes (Government mon it for propaganda purposes, is dis down 30 per cent, they lamen progress, makes us particularly opoly. It brags about the merits honest.
Then another nine per cent. South Side Biblioteca Nacional vulnerable to distorted Prop of wine, when half of our hos. But there are too many grapes Nobody even wants to see aganda which exaggerates our pitals are filled with alcoholics! in France. Not enough wine thirs now, they complained bitter TELEPRONE 4 0. BOX 2 3 deficiencies and holds out false And to top this, the doctors tv gullets. And consequently, too! And so the ball is tossed ar promises of a short cut to the mil. pointed out, the match boxes car little money in the packets of the Whether fermented wine lenium.
ry Pasteur statement that wine growers. to be continued)
is the healthiest and most hygien.
iter rice, there will always Why don they tear up the plenty of sour grapes.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
SCOTCH WHISKY OHN e veprobleme the protection cette ine Promotion Starts Furor in France ONC Slow ALMACEN BRITANICO Este avión mericana, a kjo del ar sed around de or
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