
Page 1. 13 File No.
Subject: Relations between Central America and United States. SUB No.
1916 May 20 Betlehem Steel 49 Requests that he call at Dept to Coo(J. Mathews) discuss matter referred to by Mr. Francis Darr in communication to Dept.
50 Francis Darr, Aug. 4, States his intention in discussing with the Pres of Salvador the relations between and Cen tral Am. countries was to aid the administration in its announced polioy.
51 Darr, Oct.
Has lost his position due to come plaint of State Dept. Does not know what the Dept. based its complaint on. Was actuated only by patriotism. Asks that Dept.
withdraw its complaint. Encloses editorial relative to matter.
52 Cobb June 28 1917 Quotes letter from Galeras, Honduras dated June 9, advising there is no doubt that the Central Powers tried to intrigue with the Centra Am, Govts, but were not successful.
No doubt of influence of Am, Govt 53 Salvador Jan. 8, 1918 Encloses two newspaper articles which were written by Jose Letra the Salvadorean lawyer who was sent as Spec, Representative of Salvador to thank Mex. for her liberal contribution to the suffers fr, the earthquake of June 1917. 54 Padific Mail SteamFeb. 6, Submits copy of a report from Capt ship Co. Yardley re attitude of Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras toward 755 55 State Department Feb. 15 Memorandum and arguments relating Lat. Am. Div. Long to constructive steps which shoul be taken in Central Americant Before the close of the European war. Noted 710. 11.
56 State Department Feb. 13. Addition to memorandum regarding Division of the conclusion of Special treaties Latin American with Central American countries Affairs MEMO looking to their financial rehabil Long 1920 itation. Dec. 14 NO TE See 711, 12 206 for Tel. 9am 19 from Costa Rica reporting the publication in LA PRE NSA of apocryphal treaty between Gt.
Brite and France relating to extension of Americancontrol to Central America.
58 Feb. 15 1921 NOTE See 813. 00 1053 for tel. from Costa Pica (Thurston) of Feb. 15, 1921 14 reporting that FO informs th at Gue tema la seconded by Honduras had proposed sending of Cleto Gor zales Viquez to Washington on sp ecial mission in representation of Guatemala, Salvador. Honduras and Costa Rica. Mission to impreSS upon Tashington sincere friend (OVEK)
ship of Central American states.