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. 2after pretending that the canal was built for the extension of the world commerce only, the Yankees are acting in bad faith by taking further strategical measures in connection therewith to obtain the naval supremacy of the seas.
After such fortification there will necessarily supervene the military occupation of Port Limon, San Juan del Norte and Port Barrios; of Puntarenas, Corinto and Amapala.
What is the attitude of our governments?
What are the measures to be adopted by them?
Are we to await death with folded arms?
The Yankees wish to purchase our independence with their vast wealth.
In the United States munitions of war are sold, ships are fitted out, moral support (to call it by no worse name) is given to Central American revolutionists, and when the country is ablaze with anarchy comes the necessity for contracting loans which involve the very sale of the Country.
Are we in error?
What says Nicaragua!
Are we in error?
What says Honduras!
The government of Costa Rica puts forth supreme efforts to arrange its money affairs without American money because the influence of Juan Rafael Mora is still powerful there.
May the spirit of that illustrious man inspire the good sons of the Central American fatherland to conquer, as they of his time did, in this une qual struggle!
The President of the United States informs Congress that he has been repeatedly invited to land troops on Central American soil.