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ho 211, 13 REC APR 1911 12 DERST.
OF STATE No. 73.
AMERICAN LEGATION GUATEMALA March 31, 1911. Outsion of Information DIVISION OF LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS APR 18 1911 Duplicate sent to DEPARTMENT OF STATE Sunwary 18 11 bun. Sin DEIVET APR 19 1911 EJĘ1114 mi ilonelo popo AVPLOMATIS INDEX BUREAU BUTED Fill The Honorable The Secretary of State, Washington.
AFR 26 1911 FILED Si r: have the honor to transmit herewith for the information of the Department what appears to be the first issue of an anti American newspaper published in Paris under the name of Le Central Américain. together with a translation of the leading article entitled Against Yankee Expansion.
In this connection have, the honor to inform you that the anti American article transmitted in my despatch number 61, of the 28th ultimo, does not appear to have been inspired by the Mexican Legation here as suggested might have been possible.
Prominent members of the American colony were inclined to consider President Estrada Cabrera responsible therefor but the Minister for Foreign Affairs took occasion some ten days after my despatch was sent to refer
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