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(2) United States of deliberately endeavoring to subvert the independence of these Republics. quote the first two paragraphs. As time goes on the danger draws nearer to us. each day, each hour, each minute; it means one day, one hour, one minute loss of independent life.
The North American eagle hovers above in our blue sky and any moment it may bury its curved beak and its powerful talons in the attenuated body of the Fatherland, never again to leave it.
Government censorship of the Press in Guatemala is 80 strict that it may, believe, be said that editorials cannot be published without the consent or approbation of the Government. have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, tentank Meerem Enclosures: Editorial from LA CAMPANA. Guatemala City, published in April, 1911, and reproduced in press of El Salvador. Translation of No.