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Enclosure in No. 185 (Translation)
Editorial from LA CAMPANA. Guatemala City, published in April, 1911, and reproduced in press of El Salvador. PATRIOTISM.
As time goes on the danger draws nearer to us. each day, each hour, each minute; it means one day, one hour, one minute less of independent life.
The North American eagle hovers above in our blue sky and any moment it may bury its curved beak and its powerful talons in the attenuated body of the Fatherland, never again to leave it.
The mighty iron hand of the Yankee already rests upon our shoulder and its enormous weight takes from us all power of movement, and it will not be long before that hand is clenched to extinguish our life. man with a small bird in his hand questioned the oracle: Is this bird alive or dead. and received reply: If you so will, it is alive; if you so will, it is dead.
If the Yankees should ask if we are alive or dead the same reply might well be made them.
But are we Central Americans bound to acquiesce in