p. 3

Guardar Descargar

NVO San Antonio, Texas, July 21, 1911.
Mexican Revolutionary Matters.
During the day was advised by persons here that the revolutionary movement in this city, run by the Galans and others, had been receiving arms and ammunition and sending them across the border in considerable quanti.
ties, but no revolutionary expedition has been sent over yet.
They are preparing now to organize an expedition to be sent some time during the next sixty days, in order to have them on the Mexican side about the time of the national election.
There appears to be an unusual unrest among the foreigners and the citizens in Mexico. There are numerous parties of foreigners arriving here daily from Mexico, who claim that a horrible condi tion of affairs exists in Mexico all over the republic.
They state that there is scarcely a town of any importance in which there is not fighting going on and life and property is in the greatest danger, party of Germans arrived here last night from Aguascalientes, some of them stopping at the Angelus Hotel, and they give a very gloomy account of the conditions there.
They state that the Maderi sts are causing all kinds of dissa ti sfaction; that they are dissatisfied with the present Government and are not sati sfied with the formation of any of the State Governments; that they are not willing to lay down their arms, and are not only fighting among themselves, but organizing new movements.