p. 2


July 17, 1911.
In re Violation Neutrality Laws Central America.
STATES Adolf Hoser, Consul of Guatama la here, has received word of a plan by the Guatama lan exiles and others in Campeche and Yucatan to start trouble along the Guatamalan border in order to invade that country.
The so called Guatamalan junta here has an agent, William Ibbs, now in Yucatan for the alleged purpose of aiding in bringing about the revolt against Cabrera.
Agent has learned that Rudolfo Lang, with Palermo, has an office in the Whitney Bank Building, where Antonius Luna Dieguez, of Guatamala City, is now spending much of his time, and that their purpose. is also to work against Cabrera, but has not been able to find out anything definite about them.


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