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20 Nicaragua, than that of introducing corporations, since in the United States themselves the government is now endeavoring to cure the body politic of the terrible trustcancer from which it is now suffering and by reason of which the United States are presenting, indisputably, the greatest symptom of decadence which this great nation häs as yet exhibited to the world.
As have herein before suggested, the United States may desire the conquest of Nicaragua, or it may desire the formation of a republic that shall ultimately form part of the American Union. In either case, protection initiated by the present government of the United States is desirable, in order that in the future no new struggles may supervene against capital. The railways also should be national works, so that the people may not incur the danger of paying tribute to the extortions of capital for the transportation of merchandise.
The government of the United States being, then, an honorable, civilizing and powerful government, the course it has assumed with respect to its economic influence in Central America confirms its character. This generous and civilizing influence can only be spurned by those in Nicaragua, or other Central American countries, who rely only upon militarism to obtain power, and upon the national treasuries to enrich themselves.
As already stated, the American Government has not always done the best thing in the matter of intervention in the policies and government of Central America.
At the time of the unjustifiable war which Zelaya