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Civil War

21 forced upon Honduras, the United States could have prevented it; and after the outrage of the Momotombo against Acajutla, the United States was obliged, with the consent of the other Central American governments, to demand the retirement of Zelaya, as his government was harmful to civilization and to the interests of the United States as well as those of Central America. The American Government, however, accepting the idea of the Washington conventions, favored and really saved Zelaya, who for three years longer exploited the poor Nicaraguan people. The civil war that began at Bluefields in October, 1909, was necessary to drive him from power. The Washington government then corrected its mistake by morally favoring the revolution, making the notable declarations of the Knox note, and by not recognizing the government of Madriz, which would have been but an extension of the Zelaya régime.
In like manner the pressure brought against Zelaya on account of the Emery claim was quite justifiable.
The grounds of this claim are not generally known. The Emery establishment was bound by contract not to sell, assign or lend to any person or company any merchandise which the Government permitted the Emery Company to import free of duty for the maintenance of the Company, under a penalty, for violation, of double the value of the sale. One day José Dolores Gamez, taking advantage of his influence, obtained from Emery 11, 000 worth of food supplies and other materjal yhich he and Zelaya required for the purpose of making a survey of lands on the Atlantic Coast. This was followed by other demands for cash, until the Emery Company, which was