
24 For this reason it is of the utmost necessity to bring the facts to the knowledge of the people of the United States, and to inform them of the true social and political conditions of Nicaragua.
These truths show that the evil lies in the venality of the politicians of Central America, not in the patience of the people in supporting them, for it cannot be denied that during the seventeen years of Zelaya government the people were continually in arms against it, and that in order to overthrow Zelaya some memorable actions were performed by the revolution of Bluefields.
Of course it is at once manifest that if the United States would assist us to open banks, railways and schools, improvement would be rapid, and the people of Central America and of the United States would benefit thereby, as they would have good, large markets for their industry.
What is most urgently needed in Central America is to prepare men for the work of government. Unfortunately such men do not exist there. Many of those who claim power by reason of having participated in the battles of Tisma or Acoyapa, are unable to read or write, and if they were examined like school children they would not be able to answer anything about geography or mathematics, and much less about political or social science which is so necessary in managing men and countries. Almost all of our military men are familiar with but one way to settle difficulties; the one adopted in Asia by Alexander when he severed the Gordian Knot with his sword.