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30 government in Central America is more and more urgent, so that immigrants may have proper guarantees for life and property, and so that the United States may not be continually obliged to intervene, and even to defend the territory of Central America, by reason of the duties. springing from the Monroe Doctrine.
The American Government, however, should not permit itself to become possessed of the fatuous desire to correct the older generations of Central America. The grave alone can cure them. It were a herculean task, and the world is done with legends.
The future is at school and with the infant generation. As far as true government is concerned, we are merely at the opening of the path leading to honorable economic administration, not exploitation; the path of frank and energetic suggestion, and the ignoring of all governments resulting from military insolence or fraudulent elections subversive of the rights of the people. Then will come the time when the suffrage shall not be exercised by soldiers, but by citizens conscious of their duties.
The United States are already responsible, in the eyes of the world, for things and events in Central America. The Monroe Doctrine, linked with the Knox note, has placed the great Republic in this situation; and in order to comply with its duty there is no middle term: the only course is intervention, not more or less hesitating, but open and determined, based upon high ideals of justice and humanity, and always directed towards the grand object of North American federation.