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42 would be extremely scientific; indeed, it might be said to be mathematic. It would be magnificent and sublime; not a work of conquest and destruction, but one of fraternity and justice, of creation and transformation. Let the great problem be solved, that problem which Rome perceived but dimly, which ancient and modern nations have been unable to work out, to which international congresses have been devoting their attention, and which is the ardent aspiration of humanity.
Do you desire universal fraternity? If so, do not waste time in assembling congresses, but open up roads; place men and nations in intercommunication; organize a social, like the planetary system. Nature, itself, has given us its lesson in the grand law of life and eternity.
By the opening of roads and the removal of obstacles which impede and render human intercourse more difficult, the grand confederation of the nations would come at last; not socialism or anarchy, for nothing exists or cari exist in the universe without restraint, law and government.
There is a country in Central America which, geographically considered, greatly resembles the United States; that is Nicaragua. There is another that holds mountains of iron in its bosom, namely, Honduras.
On the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua there are navigable rivers flowing through fertile territory: the Segovia, the Prinzapolka, the Grande, the Escondido with its branches the Rama and the Siquia; the Cukra and the San Juan communicating with the Grand Lake. This, in its turn, is connected with the Lake of Managua, by means of the river Tipitapa; and by the construction of canals and the