Guardar Descargar

43 building of bars and coves, the entire country could be traversed by steamships and merchandise.
In the vicinity of Bluefields, when its large and spacious harbor is completed like that of Pearl Lake, the work that William Penn did on the Delaware and the other immigrants performed in the various States of the American Union, may be commenced.
At the same time railroads could be laid across the country, starting from Rama or Bluefields from the river Grande or the Segovia, running through most fertile lands suitable for cultivation and cattle raising, having abundant gold in the subsoil and forests of rich timber available for building purposes.
It is a great duty to lend a helping hand to these countries, so that justice may be installed in them, the republic firmly established and immigration made possible.
This is not only a moral duty but a necessity for the United States which are filling rapidly with the human stream coming from Europe to the new world in search of life, air and sunshine.
There seems to be no reason whatever why the American Government should disguise its aims and plan of expansion, if they look towards this grand object. The continent has understood this; and as this object is beneficent to mankind, it can meet with no censure even from the old nations of Europe, because in opening the doors of America, they are not opened solely to the people of the North, but to the entire world. We all know that the United States is a sort of sea, receiving the human streams that flow from the other side of the Atlantic, as in remote ages the Aryans swarmed from Asia into Europe. Were