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46 ters, they should likewise UmMume the obligation of requiring the lawful succession of governments respectful of the rights of personm, whether citizens or aliens.
Tbe conduct of the prement Government of the United States in the affairy of Nicaragua, with reference to the tyranny of Zelaya, has been just and equitable, and it would further merit the approbation of all of the nations of America, were it to complete the good work by banishing or suppressing any despotism following, or claiming to succeed, Zelaya IV. The American government shall not recognize as lawful, any concessions, monopolies or onerous contracts granted by any of the signatory governments to North Americans or foreigners, same being violations of the federal laws and of the laws of free commerce.
This principle flows from the preceding one. Justice, like charity, must begin at home. The evil of monopolies and trusts is hurtful to the weak as well as to the powerful nation. It is sufficient to cite the example of the United Fruit Company of Costa Rica and Guatemala with its monopoly of the banana.
Another example, even more evident, is that of the Bluefields Steamship Company, to which Zelaya granted the exclusive right of navigation of the Escondido River. and its branches. Both natives and North Americans rose against this Company in a memorable strike, and it was one of the chief causes of the rebellion against Zelaya. The new government of Nicaragua, with the assistance of the Mixed Commission, cancelled the contract; the monopolist company is now combined with