Guardar Descargar

47 another to continue the business, seriously prejudicing the interests of honorable Americans, among whom it is sufficient to mention the large plantation of the Laguna de Perlas, containing 1, 500 manzanas and owned by respectable New Yorkers. The owners are compelled to sell their fruit at such price as the two monopolizing companies choose to fix for it. But why cite other examples when the United States Government, itself, is struggling to remedy the evil within its own borders? The foundation of a North American Pedagogic Institute, supported by all of the countries signing the convention. This Institute to be on United States soil so that the students may have the benefit of the environment.
VI. The establishment of a similar Institution for women.
VII. The obligation of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama to establish other similar institutions when the supply of necessary teachers shall have been prepared by the first institution.
VIII. The foundation of national banks in each of the signatory republics with ten or twenty millions of dollars gold on deposit and a corresponding issue of bank notes, making the monetary standard the same as that of the United States, and under the guarantee and control of the government of this country.
These banks to have charge of tie general treasury of their respective countries, that is to say, for the col