p. 52

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50 Furthermore, President Taft, in his message to Congress accompanying the Nicaraguan Treaty, says. Better by far is this beneficial and constructive policy in the neighborhood of the Caribbean Sea, the Panama Canal, and the Central American republics, based as it is on the logic of our geographical position, the development of our commerce in the immediate neighborhood of our shores, our moral responsibilities due to a longstanding policy in the region mentioned, than it is with listless indifference to view unconcernedly the whole region in fomentations of turbulence, irresponsibility, contracting debts that by their own exertions they would never be able to discharge, or to be required, as in several instances in the past, to land our armed forces for the protection of American citizens and their interest from violence and for the enforcement of the humane provisions of international law, for the observance of which in the region concerned, this Government, whether rightfully or wrongfully, is held responsible by the world.
This pamphlet has been written with the express object of propagating this particular line of thought among the people of the United States. It is, therefore, a great satisfaction to the writer to find that he is so admirably aided in this effort by such an eminent and reliable statesman as the President of this great Republic, to which the enlightened people of our own communities look with an abiding hope for the future welfare and happiness of Central America. 7083G