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States or of Mexico, under whose auspices as friendly mediators the convention of Central American Delegates was held, to intervene under any circumstances, whether for the maintenance of peace in Central America or to guarantee the observance of the Treaties themselves.
Moreover, neither in the records of the Convention of Central American Plenipotentiaries resident in Washington, which preceded that of the special Delegates who formulated the Treaties, nor in those of the conferences held by the latter, which, together with the records of the first named convention, have been published in a special book and in various magazines and reviews, nor in the speeches which, apropos of the meeting of that assembly and of the business transacted by it, were delivered at that time by the Secretary of State of the American Government, Mr. Root, the Ambas sador from Mexico. Mr. Creel, and the President of the Convention of Central American Delegates, is there found a single word which calls up any idea of that moral obligation which Clos would mean nothing else than the abdication of our sovereignty, Quite the contrary; everything that was done as a preparation for those fraternal treaties, as well as their own form and essence, was inspired by the intention of establishing on permanent foundations the absolute independence and sovereignty of the Central American nations, with freedom from all outside intervention in their domestic af.
fairs and with a view to realizing some day through the influence of peace and fraternity both of thought and of action the political union of se countrie one single great and prosperous nation, free and respected,