Guardar Descargar

4States of the result of our labors and what scope the Government of Washington gave to the Treaties which we signed. You have followed. he said. the true path which leads to the enforcement of law, order, peace and just(
ice, instead of the rule of the strong over the weak, and you have arrived at conclusions which deem wise and apposite for urging each and all of the Republics of Central America toward the realization in the future of one Central American Republic, great, strong and happy.
In conclusion, Mr. Editor, permit me to say that the mere fact that the President of the United States, together with the President of Mexico, brought about and supported the Central American Conference which had as its result the Treaties signed in Washington does not imply in itself any right or obligation on the part of either of these Governments to interfere in questions which touch upon our sovereignty; since, although it was this same American Government which brought about the agreement between Russia and Japan during the Campaign of Manchuria, and although it was in virtue of these efforts that the Conference of Portsmouth took place under the auspices of that Government, it would never occur to anybody that the latter could consider itself entitled to intervene in the affairs of Japan or Russia because of the mere fact of having exercised temporarily that humanitarian and friendly function. remain, Yours very sincerely, Luis Anderson,