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thee MRA LAZORRLAGA per apk reay Statslauld lu card Ls Quebreknad Hriaise will qe glad to see and hear what the York Suay have to say hu April 2nd, 1913 ARCHIVE Hon. William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State, DIVISION Vashington, LATIN AMERICAN AX FAIRS APR 1913 Mr. Secretary: DEPART.
STATE The undersigned, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs and also linister of Guatemala at Washington, and now residing in the City of New York, on his own behall and at the request 711. 13 11 of several prominent Central Americans, would like to present to you and to President Vilson our point of view in regard to AU the causes of unrest in Central America and the best way of preventing it, so that it may be taken into consideration while franing the policy of the new Administration in relation to those countries.
APR 11 1913 FILED Vo understand and believe that the welfare, prospei ity and dete lopment of the Central American republics depends to a large extent upon the attitude of the United States towards them, hence our anxiety that the American Government may thoroughly understand our situation, which can only be fully appreciated by considering also the point of view of public spirited citizens of those republics.
May request, Mr. Secretary, that you obtain an appointment with the President for the purpose above mentioned? am ready to go to Washington at any time if you will kindly let me know in advance the day and hour at which it will be the pleasure of yourself and the President to receive me.
ALA Yours respectfully, und melahan las ning.