Guardar Descargar

2 Your telegram of July 29th, A. which was received prior to your No. 315, contains more reassuring information as to the situation, and the Department has not failed to note the assurances of President Blelendez reported in the telegram and the despatch under acknowledgment, that he will not permit the commission by the populace of untoward acts against American life and property.
You will on an appropriate occasion, express to his Excellency this Government gratification at these assuranoss.
With reference to the recommendation in your No. 315, that an American warship be sent to Salvadorian waters, may say that there is none available at present for the purpose. Hovever, shoula, in your judgment, an emergency occur making the presence of a warship necessary, you should at once advise the Department by telecraph, when instructions may be sent to the DENVER now at Corinto, Nicaragua, to proceed to a Salvadorian port.
Adverting to that portion of your No. 315, which treats of the inflammatory utterances of Lieutenant Colonel Abraham Perdono Herrera, of the Salvadorian General Staff, may say that press despatches from San Salvador, dated July 29th, indicate that colonel Perdomo is dead.
The Department would be glad to be informed on this point.
You have already been instructed in the Department telegram