
From the Información, July 24th, 1913: Washington, 22 The President declared himself as being in accord with the project of Bryan with regard to Nicaragua, He said that it is necessary to e. tablish a protectorate throughout Central America to protect the vanal. Various Democratic.
Senators do not agree in this, say ing that it is a dangerous enterprise.
The President asserted, however, that the project would not be put through unless llicaragua agreed to it.
It is asserted that Bryan conferred with the Ministers of Honduras and Il Salvador and that both refused to discus the matter. trial vote showed that the project would be accepted in case it came to a vote.
The Department of State is waiting only for notes from the European powers with regard to the Nicaragua affair. ESCA COM ONTS As soon as the contents of preceding cable became known to the public, the offices of this paper were visited by well known pubic men of all political parties and by many young patriots, anxious to learn in detail the news transmitted from Washington, All were exceedingly indignant at the announcement of the Yankee protectorate in Central America and thought a great meeting of protest should be immediately organized, At the same time, the question arose to who should be the directors of this movement, and it was the unanimous opinion that it should be the press, the exponent of public opinion and the defender ofiinternational interests.
As We immediately accepted the delicate charge, and to day we shall begin the task with which we are commissioned, in the certainty that the entire press of the capital will aid in this