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Euclouere Ko. From La Información, July 25th, 1913. On learning of the unjustifiable aggression of the United States against our free people, which has been developing along the lines of democracy and of law, it seems as if all the beroic fibres of our ancestors, lulled to sleep by peace and work, have suddenly started into life at this outrage, as at the sonorous blast of a trumpet, Therefore the public en masse, ignoring social and political distinctions, has responded to the patriotic call to protest manTully and energetically against the attempt on our Costa Rican sovereignty.
Yesterday there was no talk of local politics in this capital.
The attention of all was rivetted on the late which was in store for Costa Rica in the developinent of the imperialist Yankee policy, threatening the sovereignty of our country.
Ali, all Costa Ricans, without any exception, protest against such an attempt and condemn tho se bad Central Americans who play into the hands of the Yankees.
On all sides are heard only words of protest and of indignation, Dr. Durán says. am of the impression that this cable report is one of those canards sensationally launched to affect the market.
Don Rafael Yglesias says. It cau ses me great surprise that the President of the United State should broach such an idea without To taking into account the offence which it was bound to give.
establish a protectorate over all Central America which should limit the exercise of our sovereignty and affect the integrity of our territory, under the pretxt of protecting American interests at the Panamá Canal,. would be simply an act of political robbery which the patriotic feelings of Central Americans would naturally resist.
The Secretary of Foreign Affairs told us that he had received no official news from Washington and probably would not do 80.