Guardar Descargar

August 11, 1913.
70. 1721 32 NO. Marshall Langhorne, Esquire, American Chargé Affaires, San José.
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 67, of July 26, 1913, reporting the demonstrations which occurred in San José on the 24th of July, on the occasion of a newspaper report that this Government desired or intended to assume a protectorate over Central America, and coirning your telegram of July 25, A. 14.
Your remarks to President Jimenez, as reported on page of the despatch, are approved and it is hoped that they, taken in connection with the Department telegram of July 26, P. will suffice to set is Excellency mind at rest on that score.
The Department desires that the Minister shall, on the first favorable occasion after entering upon his duties, say to President Jimenez that it is hoped he Vill do ali in his power to counteract the effect of these unfortunate demonstrations and press articles, and trust that his Excellency will share the view of this Government that occurrenc. such as these, and the insulting of American tourists, reported in your