Guardar Descargar

Department of State. INDEX BUREAU Washington, auga. 1913. 11 am AUG 1913 DEPT OF STATE ال م Amlegation, 13 San Salvador.
211. 13 1157 Your July 29, a.
It is presumed that the derionstration and newspaper articles you nention are predicated upon inaccurate press reports of the scope of the proposed canal convention with Nicaragua which is as much desired but that Government as by our own. Please say to President le lendez that this Government does not conterplate any change in its attitude towards Central American countries and that Ministor Ilejia is fully informed as to provisions in Nicaragua treaty and of our Government policy. Add that this Government hopes President ilelendez will do all in his power to counteract the effect of these infortunate demonstrations and press articles.
Bryan 711. 13 16 La.
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