Guardar Descargar

Department of State, MODEX Bolumbinglon. AUG 1913 CEPTO duga, htu 1913. lam OF STATE AMLSGATION ARCHIVES WAN. 111. 13 Tegucigalpa. sileri more The legations at San Jose and San Salvador have reported public demonstrations and influrnatory newspaper articles evidently based on nisconception of scope of proposed canal convention with Ilicaragua, which is as much desired by that government as by our own, and by the impression that this Government contemplates establishing a protectorate over Central America. Should it now in your judgment scom advisable, or should occasion subsequently arise, please say to President Bertrand that this Government does not contemplate any change in its attitude toward Contra Ane rican countries and that ilinister lienbreñol, now on!
leave of absence, is fully inforned of the provisions in Nicaragua treaty and of our Coverrrent policy.
Bryan A LJHB Enciphered by Sent by operator 196, aug سره من Index Ba. No. 50.