Guardar Descargar

No. 319.
of the Central American States, clippings from which yellow journals, with corresponding translations of the same, 1 transmit herewith, in order that the Department may take of Salvador note of the character and spirit of the press with reference to the before mentioned projected protectorate.
For the information of the Department wish to state that none of the newspapers published here have reproduced a single comment upon this matter by any of the other Central American Republics, which points to the significant fact and fact it is that Salvador stands alone in its unpardonable objection that the people should reap the unquestionable benefits without number that would flow from the establishment of such a protectorate; and in corroboration of this statement that Salvador appears to stand alone in the noise which the newspapers here have succeeded in making about this matter, invite the attention of the Department to the wail of the DIARIO DEL SALVADOR, in the last clipping of those enclosed, to the effect that not one of the other republics of Central America has raised a voice of protest against the alleged danger to their nationalities, and the DIARIO terminates its editorial by asking WHAT IS THE MATTER. The matter is simply that the press of Salvador has allowed itself to become unduly excited, and that the people of the country are attending to their own business, a matter which President Meléndez in an interview with a newspaper rewhich porter pointed out to the DIARIO DEL SALVADOR, paper, among other observations in its last editorial, to which have referred above, says that from the south of the Continent,