
Enclosure 10 In No. 320.
erto de ny. la concesión para construir el projected over the river which separates ferrocarril que atravesará toda es Guatemala and Salvador and it is also prota República desde el jected to open two ways of communication La Unión, en el extremo Oriente de El Salvadar hasta la línea de for automobiles between the capitals of frontera Occidental que lo separa Salvador and Guatemala. As the Convende Guatemala, desde donde conti tion of Communications declares the connuará la linea férrea hasta unir en la ciudad de Zacapa nuestro ferro struction of a Pan American Railway under carril con el del Norte e its auspices in the section which corresmala, a fin de que unidoş así al ponds to Central America, this Government sistema ferroviario de México, por has granted to an American company, The damos estar al alcance de Estados Unidos en pocos días, aprovechando Guatemala Railway Company, a concession al mismo tiempo nuestra salida al to construct the railroad which is to traAtlántico por la via Puerto Barrios, verse the whole of this Republic from the que pertenece a Guatemala. En port of La Union in the Eastern extremity este mismo orden de ideas, y para coadyuvar del todo a la granof the Republic to the line of the Western diosa empresa del ferrocarril pa frontier which separates it from Guatemala, namericano, este Gobierno está from the point of continuation of the railpara otorgar a la misma compañía americana, una concesión para que road line until our railroad unites in the una la parte Oriental del ferroca city of Zacapa with that of the Northern rril que está construyendo por me Railway of Guatemala, toward the end that, being thus connected with the railway sysHonduras en el punto en que comenzará a construirse el ferocarril tem of Mexico, we may be within the reach que el Gobierno de Honduras of the United States in a few days, availha concedido a «The Guatemala ing ourselves at the same time of our outRailway Company. para que atra let in the Atlantic by way of Port Barrios, vièse dicho territorio paralelamente al Pacifico hasta penetrar en el de which belongs to Guatemala. In this same Nicaragua, completando así el siste respect, in order to assist in every posma internacional panamericano de sible way the great enterprise of the Panferrocariles correspondientes a CenAmerican railway, this Government is about tro América, Docomo que por parte to grant to the same American company a de El Salvador quedará concluido dentro del breve plazo de dos a tres concession to connect the Eastern end of años.
the railroad which it is building by means Por esta rápida enumeración de of a branch road with the frontier of Hon las instituciones políticas de las duras at the point at which will be begun obras de progreso material, que la the construction of the railroad which the aplicación de las estipulaciones de Government of Honduras has granted to the Centro Américum se ven Guatemala Railway Company, so that it may traverse the territory mentioned in a line parallel to the Pacific until it penetrates Nicaragua, thus completing the Central American section of the International Pan American system of railways, a system which, as far as Salvador is concerned, will be completed within the short space of two or three years.
ducidectos de Washington han proBy this rapid enumeration of the political institutions of the works of material progress, which the application of the terms of the Pacts of Washington have produced in Central America, it will be seen that the international and political system