Guardar Descargar

Enclosure No. 2, in Despatch No. 471, of August 4, 1913.
LA OPINION, Guatemala, Saturday, July 26, 1913. BITTER TRUTH. To establish a protectorate!
To pretend to establish it in Central America! it amounts to the same as plunging a dagger into the heart of the Nation.
Nicaragua that beautiful land of lakes and of strong souls, Nicaragua our Sister Republic, Nicaragua is in her death pangs.
The sharpened claws of the Yankee eagle are tearing her once sovereign flag.
Who is to blame? Adolfo Díaz the scoundrel.
To call Adolfo Díaz a scoundrel is saying too little.
More than a scoundrel he is a renegade son who views with his arms crossed upon his chest, with indifference and without a blush that his Country, a second mother, is receiving upon her venerable face a tremendous buffet. tiger would not expose to a similar insult the beign that gave him life, more rational and more humane, he would spring upon the offender, making the mountains tremble with his roars.
Irony of Fate!
We never thought that a comparison could ever be drawn between a man and a beast; but, how ever, facts unfortunately make us see our error, and we see that the wild beast in this case is the nobler of the two.