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Who is Adolfo Diaz?
Is Adolfo Díaz by chance insane?
No, Not at all, he is not insane or anything like it, he is covetous, and that is all.
What proofs?
You have them there resumed in one phrase Nicaragua finds herself without money.
There you have the mystery.
That the above is not a reasonable proof?
Yes, Gentlemen, it is, and as clear a one as the light of day.
We shall now pass on to prove it.
We have stated that Nicaragua is poor and that Díaz is ambitious we wish to hold back a smile, because what we are saying is a truth indeed. Now to prove it, pay attention, If the treasury of Nicaragua had enough money to fill the bottomless pockets of the despot, and he could satisfy his greed for wealth; do you believe he then would like to enter into a treaty entailing a Protectorate, Platt system, with the United States?
But the situation is different and he cares nothing for the sovereignty of his poor country, but he does care a great deal for the tempting tinkle of the dollars.
What is the meaning of this?
Lacking courage and intelligence his ambition is undoing him. He does not aspire to make his country great and glorious, he covers it with shame. We repeat that he is not insane or anything like it, because he is well aware of what he is doing, and his acts are overwhelming him with the shame he deserves.
Whether he realize or not his nefarious schemes, he has laid a blot on History and a just curse will for ever follow him. To pretend to establish a Protectorate!
Maledictions on him.