Guardar Descargar

(No. 255, 5 13. II. ultimo, and the other on Sunday last, the 3rd.
instant. Also various protests and proclamations, signed by a number of citizens, were printed and circulated among the people or past ed up at various points in the city. The articles in El Cronista and the proclamations, 80 far as they have come to my attention, have not appeared to me inflammatory.
They seem rather to deserve commendation for their moderation. They have been sent to the Department as clippings. The meetings held in Parque Morazan, which lies in the center of the city and opposite the Legation, and at other points in the capital seem to have been temperate in their nature. The Government, while properly tolerant, took the necessary precautions, redoubling its police force and, on Sunday last, closing the estancos to prevent the sale of guarro. This firm attitude here and at other points in the country contributed to make the demonstrations orderly and deserves commendation. Late Sunday afternoon a telegram was received from El Salvador stating that the Committee of the Senate of the United States had rejected the proposal of protectorate in Central America and the demonstration of protest was turned into one of rejoicing with Vives for the Senate.